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We head to formation. Dain right on our heels. I never liked him hanging when we were growing up. I had hoped the year of separation would cool his infatuation with Violet.  Apparently not. He pulls her towards an alcove and says

" What're you doing here!"
Violet suddenly looks a little green and whispers
" I think I'm gonna be sick."
He places a hand on the nape of her neck and gently pushes her down.
" Head between you knees. It's the adrenaline it'll pass."
I glare at him as the girl, Rhiannon, approaches and watches him like a hawk.

He looks up and glares at her and asks
" Who the hell are you?"
She crosses her arm and says
" I'm Rhiannon. I'm Violet's ........friend."
Violet stares at her boots in concentration trying to keep her stomach to settle. Dain steps away from her and says
" Listen to me Rhiannon. Violet is fine."  He commands
" And if anyone asks then you tell them exactly what I said. That it's just the adrenaline working out of her system. Understand?"

Her gaze narrows
" It's no one's business what's going on with Violet."
She says sharply
" so I wouldn't say shit. Especially when she's the reason I made it across the parapet."

" You better mean that." He warns, the bite in his voice at odds with the way he rubs small circles along Violets back.

I roll my eyes at this display.
" I could ask who the bell you are."

Violet steps away from his hand and says
"He's my oldest friend."
I watch as she bends down to unlace her left boot.

" Oh" Rhiannon whispers.

Dain looks at her  and says
" And a second year rider cadet."  He growls
I watch as Rhiannon eyes widen and backs up a step

Dain turns back to Violet and says gently
" No one can see you here Vi, so take your time."

I step forward and step between Dain and Violet.
I hold his gaze saying with it that he needs to distance himself.
Violet stands ,wiping the back of her hand across her mouth.
" Because puking my guts up,after surviving the parapet and the asshole who wanted to throw me off it would be considered weak. "

Dain looks around me and says
" Exactly" he answers
" are you hurt?"
He steps around me or tries to but I block his path.
" my knee is sore." Vi says
I turn my back on him and wrap an arm around her waist.

My fingers brush something at her ribs and I look down at her.
" Are you wearing daggers?" I ask in a whisper
She smiles and says
" three at my ribs, one in my boot."  A boot appears in our field of vision and Violet takes it from Rhiannon putting it on.

Dain looks surprised as he says
" Huh."  He looks at her like he's never seen her before.  He turns to Rhiannon and introduces himself.
" I'm Dain Atos, and I'm the leader for Second squad, Flame section, Second Wing."

I raise my brows in shock at that. Huh? So he became a squad leader. Whoop de-freaking-doo. He continues talking .
" Parapet should be down in a few hours. Depending on how fast the cadets pass or fall. Go find the redhead with the roll-she's usually carrying a crossbow-and tell her that Dain Atos put you, Violet and Belladonna Sorrengail into his squad. If she questions you tell her she owes me  from saving her ass and Threshing last year. I'll bring Violet and Belle back to the courtyard shortly."

Rhiannon glances at us and Violet nods at her.
" Go before someone sees us." He barks at her.
She disappears into the courtyard. Dain turns back to us and opens his mouth but I don't let him start in on belittling her.

" Come On Violet let's get to the courtyard before we're missed."

We take two steps before Dain says " what do you mean your going to the courtyard! Your not even suppose to be here! Either of you!"

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