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" Presentation day is unlike any other. The air is ripe with possibilities.... And possibly the stench of sulfur from a dragon who has been offended. Never look a red in the eye. Never back down from a green. If you show trepidation to a brown..... we'll just don't."
- Colonal Kaori's Field guide    to dragon kind."

There are a 169 cadets that have to walk before the dragons. With mine and Violets thirty second penalty each , our squad  still manages to come out in eleventh place out of six squads. Anxiety swirls through the air like a mist. You can feel it , so tangible you could reach out and touch it.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I'm going to be alright. Everyone else...... that's what's making my anxiety spike.  Looking down through the the entrance to the valley all I see are dragons. Lined up several feet from the path - in such away that they can pass judgement on us as we walk past .

" Alright let's go second squad, your up next." Garrick says with a wave to get us moving.

Aetos and the other squad leaders stayed behind. I've got a feeling he won't be thrilled when he learns of what Vi and I did to make it up the gauntlet. Oh well maybe he'll finally pull that stick out of his ass...... nah. He's too by the book.
  That's why he and Violet will never be together. Especially if our Wingleader is now in the picture.

" Into Formation."
Garrick orders, his tone all business. Which doesn't surprise me given his leadership skills are mission first niceties later.
I take in his network of patches lining his right sleeve proclaiming him Flame sections leader.

As I pass him he reaches out and grips my wrist gently . I turn to look at him and I see fear clouding his beautiful eyes .

" Belladonna , be careful. Don't cause any trouble. Don't provoke them."

I raise an eyebrow at that as I try to pull my arm from his grasp. He tightens it minutely holding me in place.
" I'm serious, you have a way of causing trouble and I won't be there to keep you from being turned into ash."

I smirk up at him as I finally am able to slip his grasp.
" I think I'll be just fine."

He brings his thumb and forefinger up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
" Dunne, give me strength ." He mumbles beneath his breath .
I smile at him and place a hand on his forearm. " Garrick , I'll be fine. Trust me."

He looks down at me , with heat simmering in his emerald green eyes. He leans down , invading my personal space. When he's a breath away he whispers , his breath mingling with mine.
" If you make it out of this, and through threshing , I'm going to make good on my promise ."

I gulp and ask "what promise?"

He straightens and says
" that I'll have you screaming my name before you know it. The only thing you have to do is make sure you don't die."

I watch as he walks to the front of our line , and I may just check out his spectacular ass.
" Sis, hello..?"
Violet waves a hand in front of my face to get my attention.
I blink and look at her to find her with a Cheshire Cat grin.
" what ?"
She shrugs and turns to face forward.
" You like him don't you?" She asks
" What? Ha! No...." I deny
" oh and you weren't just ogling his ass ." She scoffs

I groan as we fall into formation. Rhiannon , Violet then I'm last. There's a sound like a rushing wind that stops as quickly as it starts and I know someone else has been found lacking.

Garricks emerald eyes skim over us .
" Hopefully Aetos has done his job, so you know it's a straight walk down the meadow. I'd recommend staying at least seven feet apart-"

" in case one of us gets torched." Ridoc adds unhelpfully.
" Correct Ridoc. Cluster of want but if a dragon finds disfavor with one of your they'll burn the whole lot to weed out the one."
He holds our gaze for a few beats then continues.
" remember your not to approach them. And if you do you won't be making it back to the dormitory tonight."

" Fear not Alvar, no harm shall come to you or your sister. I've made sure of it."

" Will I see you here?"  I ask him

He's quiet for a few moments then says
" No but I will see you . Know that I'm near. Our time will come soon Fair one."

" if you say so." I pout back at him. He huffs into my mind and says " Be on guard. There are those that don't agree with my choice. But you are mine. Do you understand?"

" Yes . But why me?"

I can feel him smile in the back of my mind .
" That would be telling wouldn't it ?"

Crusty old lizard.

In the few minutes of Malthor and I talking , Luca asked a question about a feathertail .
The muscle in Garricks jaw ticks with annoyance and Tynan argues that there are only a hundred dragons up for bonding.
" We'll I guess there's now a hundred and one. Relax feathertails don't bond. It's probably just curious."

" Knowing her she's up to no good. I should know she is MY  sister
after all."

I blink at that little bit of information coming from him. Huh? Who knew dragons have familiar bonds .

" We're not complete savages Fair one."

" you're up . Remember stay on the path. You walk up, you wait for the entire squad , you walk back down. Doesn't get any more easier than that, from here on out. And if you can't follow those simple instructions the. You deserve whatever happens in there."

He turns and heads over to the path before the canyon wall. He stops before a woman I've seen whispering to Xaden.
" their all yours ."
She nods and dismisses him. She turns to us, taking us in . Crossing her arms she marches down beside us .
" Single file. If you've made it this far..... then Zihnal must be with you. Hopefully that luck will see you through to threshing."

We all form a single line at least seven feet apart from each other. Tynan , Rhiannon, Violet and I'm the last one.

" I suffer you talk ."

" Beautiful day for presentation ." Tynan comments to her.
She rolls her eyes and says " Not to me. Talk to your nearby squad mates while your on the path . It'll help the dragons to get a sense of who you are and how well you can play with others . There's a correlation to bonded cadets and chatter."

Violet fidgets and I step towards her and place a steadying hand on her shoulder.

" Feel free to look at the dragons especially if their showing off their tails. But avoid eye contact if you value your life. If you come across a scorch mark , just make sure nothings currently on fire before you continue on the path."
She pauses then says
" See you after your stroll."
She sweeps her head towards the path and lined up is the hundred and one dragons in formation for presentation.

Dunne give me strength.

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