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      Don't underestimate the
Challenge of the gauntlet,       Mira. It's designed to test your balance, strength, and agility. The times don't matter for shit, only that you make it to the top. Reach for the ropes when you have to. Coming in last is better than coming in dead.
~page forty-six , the book   
       of Brennan.

I stand next to Violet and Rhiannon , staring  up and up and up at the monstrosity of the death trap before us.
" We'll that's ...." Says Rhiannon. We stare at the steep zigzagging death trap of a trail rises above us. Climbing in five distinct switchbacks of a 180 degree turns . Increasing in difficulty the further it goes to the top coming out onto the flight field and then onward to the vale. I move away from them , taking in every obstacle. I hear Sawyer and Tynan arguing. But I pay little attention to them.

" Pay close attention Fair one. This course is to teach you about balence , strength and ...."

" agility." I finish . I hear him him in the back of my mind. Then rumble " Kind of a know it all aren't you?"

I roll my eyes and say
" that would be my sister, Violet."

" pay attention to your surroundings , just because they are in your squad doesn't mean your squad mates won't try to hurt you in an underhanded way. There are other ways to hurt someone than physically."

" Oh yes wise one." I think sarcastically to him.

" You may call me that from now on."

I slap a palm to my forehead in exasperation.

" Uh.... Cadet Belladonna are you all right?" I turn at the sound of my name to find  Professor Emmetterio and my squad looking at me like I need to see a healer.

I shrug and say " Just sick and tired of Tynan instigating things just because Jack Barlow is spreading lies about Violet and I."

Emettario raises a brow and turns to Tynan who ducks his head , checks turning red at being caught .
He cocks a brow at Tynan and Sawyer. " Are you two down arguing? Because all nine of you have exactly an hour to get to the top , before it's another squads chance to practice, and from what I've seen of your agility on the mat, your going to need every second."

We all grumble at that knowing he's correct. He calls us in a specific order . Since Sawyer is a repeat Emettarrio asks him to show us how it's done.
" Your the only squad to remain intact since parapet. Your squad leader must be very proud."
He walks past us and waves to some high up on the cliff.
Probably someone with a stopwatch . Great.

" Aetos is especially proud of Sorrengail." Sneer Tynan.
I slowly peer around Rhiannon and glare at him as he looks down at Violet.
" Look if you want to talk shit about me that's fine, but leave Dain out of it!"
" Tynan." Sawyer warns shaking his head.
Tynan steps out of line and look at each of us.
" it doesn't bother any of you our squad leader is fucking one of us?"
Before Violet can defend her self I step out of line, and get nose to nose with him.
" How about you use that little brain that the gods gave you,  open your ears and listen carefully when I say this.m, because this is the only time I'm going to say this....."
He  stares me down , his jaw ticking as. 
" they are childhood friends you idiot . End of discussion. So stop insinuating anything different. And even if they wanted to be something more , how is it any of your business? Huh? The next time I hear anything remotely hinting at any one being looked down upon I will string you up by your balls until they fall off. Squad or not. I have nothing to loose."

He gulps as I step back in line just in time for Emettario to come back .

" Alright here we go!"
He goes over everything telling us if we make it to the top that we'll get our times and for the next two and half weeks this will be our life . We have nine practice runs . Before we're ranked for presentation.
Great. Absolutely fantastic.
" Any words of Wisdom Sawyer?"
We all turn towards him and wait. He blows out a breath then says
" There are ropes every six feet of the run. If you start to fall grab the rope and climb down. It'll cost you thirty seconds , but death cost you more."
Truer words have never been spoke .

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