In His bed

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I come back to consciousness slowly . The warm arm draped over my waist pulls me back against a firm chest. My legs tangled with a strong muscular pair. The course hair tickles my inner thighs. I sigh in content. Just wanting to bask in the warm safe feeling.

My eye snap open as I slowly process everything . I'm not in my dorm bunk. And I certainly would remember if I hooked up with any one last night. I look down at the arm draped over my waist to see a rebellion relic swirling across a very muscled forearm.
I slowly turn my head to follow the swirls up to a magnificent bicep , broad shoulder, and up a thick corded neck , a pronounced jaw, with a days growth of stubble along it. Full lips with a Cupid bows on top.

I trace every feature of his face knowing I probably will only get this one chance. His eyes open then , and he stares back at me blinking a few times to bring me into focus.

" If this is a dream..... may I never wake from it." His voice sends tingles of pleasure down my spine for how rough and deep it is.

I just stare at him not quite believing that I'm in his bed..... in his arms. He raises slightly so he can look down at me.
" Cat got your tongue Belle?"

I open my mouth but before I can answer he says " Better yet do I have it?"

He lowers his mouth to mine . he consumes me. Like I'm the air he needs to breath. He takes control of my mouth , his hand tangling in my hair , moving my head to the position he wants me in, to conquer my mouth better.

I let him. Who am I kidding? I knew the first moment I saw him we were going to end up here. I just didn't think it'd be this soon.

His thigh makes contact with my core and my back bows off the mattress in pleasure. I moan into his mouth. He pulls back, his breathing jagged .
" You keep making sounds like that I'm going to stop being a gentleman and make good on my promise. Screw waiting for after threshing. You are mine Belladonna Sorrengail. I......"

Pounding on his door jerks us apart. I groan as I rub a hand down my face. He pulls my hand away looking down at me.
" I mean it're mine."

" Smart boy. Knowing a good thing when he see's it."

" I assume you approve?"

" Why wouldn't I? His dragon is my m......"

Pounding continues . Garrick walks barefoot , towards the door, his night pants slung low on his hips.
He cracks the door open.

" What..." he sounds upset

" Whoa G, you look uh flushed...." there's a few moments of silence then " Oh... did I interrupt something."
I can't help the grin that grows . Bodhi sure likes to bust Garricks balls.

" What do you want?" Garricks grits out.

" Look something's come up... Xaden needs you too..."

I throw the covers back and grab my flight jacket. Pulling a leather band from around my wrist I pull my hair up into a messy bun. I slip on my boots and make my way to the door. Bodhi's eyes widen at the sight of me at the door. Flushed and disheveled.

" Thank you Sir for .... Uh .... Helping me with my problem. But I'm going to head to breakfast . Excuse me ."
I slip past them and make my way down to hall to breakfast. Feeling two sets of eyes on me til I disappear around the corner.


Days pass and it's October first . No matter what day of the week , its always the first day of October . The first year cadets of the riders quadrant , make their way into the bowel shaped, forested valley and pray they come out alive.

Professor Kaori, paces in front of us. Giving us some last minute advice.
" remember to listen here," he taps his chest and continues " if a dragon has chosen you , they will be calling." He thumps his chest again. " So pay attention to not just your surroundings , but your feelings, and go with them."
He grimaces " And if your feelings are telling you to go in a different direction...listen to that too."

Rhiannon leans towards us and asks " Which one are you going for?"

I shrug acting nonchalant. But knowing Malthor is out there waiting for me.

" I don't know...." Violet shakes her head. I know she feels like a failure . We had talked about it last night when I had gotten back to our bunks from sparring practice.

" you both memorized the cards right."

Kind of hard to when your dragon wasn't even mentioned. Which I find very suspicious.

" Yes but I just don't feel connected to any of them." Violet says . "Dain tried talking me into a brown."

I scoff " Aetos lost his vote when he tried talking you into leaving."

She sighs and tries to defend him. But I turn to Rhiannon.
" What about you? Got your eye on a specific dragon?"

She smiles
" I'm thinking about that green. The one closest to me when they got up close and personal with you."

" Well she didn't eat you so that's promising."

I get a funny look from her and I can tell she wants to ask me something but I turn back to listen to Professor Kaori.

" If you go in groups your more than likely to be incinerated than bonded."
He argues with someone form the center of the valley.
" the scribes have done the statistics. You're better off on your own."
" And if we're not chosen by dinner?" Asks someone to my left.
I see Jack Barlow catch Violets eye . He runs a finger across his neck . I glare at him and he makes an obscene gesture at me. I take to fingers and hold them out in front of me indicating his dick size.

His nostrils flair in anger.
I smile devilishly at him. His face pales as he turns back to listen.
" if your not chosen by night fall then there's a problem. You'll be brought out by a professor or senior leadership so don't think you've been forgotten." He checks his pocket watch. Then turns back to us.
" Remember to spread out and to use every foot of this valley to your advantage. It's nine, which means they should be flying any minute now. The only other words I have for you are good luck. and may the odds be ever in your favor."

He turns and strides up the hill. It's time. I just pray Violet and Rhiannon make it out alive.

Rhiannon pulls us into a hug. " You both be careful."

" You too." Violet says. I pull back just in time to see Ridoc sweeps them both into a hug.
" Don't die." He orders.

That's our only goal as we make our way into the valley for Threshing. To survive Threshing. Dunne be with us.

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