Asking for help

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Sawyer does a perfect run on the five obstacles.
" Perfect technique!"
Professor Emettario calls out. " that's exactly what you should be doing."

" perfect and yet he was still passed over at Threshing." Luca snarks under his breath. " Guess the dragons have some sense of taste."
I glare at him as Rhi snarls at him. " give it a rest Luca."

I look over the obstacles and come to a realization. Violet and I are to short for the ramp. Fantastic.
" Belle.... How're we....?"
I look at it and try to think outside the box.
Rhi must have realized what we were discussing.
" You're both fast. I'm sure if you get your speed up...."
I cut her off and say " Even if we are, there's a chance we won't even get halfway up the ramp. We need to come up with a way to reach the top without failing the gauntlet."
An idea suddenly comes to me. And I place a hand on VI's shoulder. " Don't worry Vi. I'll figure something out."
When it's my turn , I take my time and nearly make it all the way . The chimney is not my friend. I try my best to ascend it but I slip and fall several times before I finally grab the rope and make my descent to the starting point. Once back at the bottom ,I stand with my hands on my hips looking at every obstacle and try to break it down.  Violet is at the spinning posts . Aurelie is right behind her jumping from post to post. But she looses her balance , and falls to her stomach and the post rolls her right off .
" Aurelie!" Violet screams as the girl falls to her death.

The next day continues like we didn't just lose people

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The next day continues like we didn't just lose people . Like they didn't die. I never understood how we could only just read their names once and that's it. We're never to speak of them again . Like the hole that's been left from their death isn't there. It's late and I walk the courtyard trying to stifle my anger at the insensitivity of it all. I guess I'll always have a healers heart.  I'm amongst the shadows when Xaden, Garrick and Bodhi , pass under a mage light, headed in my direction.
What are they doing out this late at night? There aren't any training exercises going on? So why are they out. Something's going on , I can feel it.
" there's got to be something more we can do." States Bodhi, looking at the other two as they pass my hiding spot.
" We're doing everything we can ." Garrick hisses back. I step out of the shadows .
" We'll whatever your doing it seems like it's not enough." I say
They whip around daggers drawn , and in a battle stance. I smirk at them and cock my head at them.
" Hello boys, fancied a midnight flight did you?" They sheath their daggers and glare at me.
" What're you doing up so late cadet?" Xaden asks
I shrug as I look to the ground.
" Couldn't sleep could you?" I look up at Bodhi and nod yes. When I look at Garrick heat simmers in his gaze. I turn to Xaden and say
" I need your help."

His eyes widen in shock . He crosses his arms and leans against a pillar. " Alright , with what exactly?"
I sigh and begin to pace.
" Look I don't like to admit my faults but , there isn't any possible way for myself or Violet to finish the gauntlet. We're to short to span the distance between the chimney and don't get me started , on the vertical wall."
Garrick rubs his jaw in thought, Bodhi runs a hand through his hair and Xaden just watches me pace back and forth. 
" Stop trying to mold yourself to the image of everyone else. Your body is shaped different than Rhiannon's . You are going to have to figure out a way to climb the chimney . The right way isn't the only way. Figure it out. Because if you don't then you're both dead." 
He turns and walks away Garrick and Bodhi both look at me with pitying smiles then follow after him. But Garrick stops before they disappear and says
" if any one can do it Belle it's you."
My heart flutters at the encouragement. I make my way back to my dorm thinking over what he said and I realize the tools I needed were there all along.
I smile as I lay down plan coming together , sleeping peacefully  for the first time in the last few months ready for what may come.

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