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I'm hyper aware of every step as I walk down the path. The trail is hard beneath my boots , and there's a definite lingering scent of sulfur in the air.
We pass a trio of red tails , their talons are as big as I am , if not bigger.

" I can't even see their tails!" Tynan shouts ahead .
" How're we suppose to know what breed they are." He whines

I'm about to answer when a voice like silk answers
" you don't boy."
My eyes widen at that I slowly look toward them. And find them watching us .
" Ah if it isn't Malthor's pet. Come to look upon us ,meat bag?" He hisses at me
I Avert my eyes and refuse to be baited.
" Come now Zymrym, she is quite lovely to look upon. Unlike any we've seen in many years. " says a cool voice like ice.

" That maybe but will she be worthy of him I wonder , Annon?"
Zynrym asks
The third red huffs and his voice is like melted caramel.
" It's not our choice but form the looks of her , He has chosen well ."

"Right you are, Zukot. Good luck Fair one. May your gods have mercy on your soul. "

I realize only a few seconds have passed and Tynan is still whining about what breed he wants to approach at threshing.

" Pretty sure this little walk is so they can decide." Says Violet.
" Hopefully one of them will decide you don't get to make it to threshing." Rhiannon quietly mumbles .

I chuckle as we approach a couple of browns . Much smaller than my mothers dragon Aimsir, but not by much .

"Their a little smaller than I thought they would be." Rhiannon says her voice rising " but not by much."

A huff sound in my mind and one of the browns says haughtily
" Small? We're small ? has she looked in a mirror lately? She's no bigger than my foreclaw!" Says the Brown on the right.

" I know! Seriously she shouldn't judge us based on size. I mean if that's what's she's basing it on we should just end her and be done with it." The one o the left says .

" she didn't mean any disrespect. " I think to them quickly then regret it when their slitted gaze lands on me. The line stops at the worst possible time.

They bend their head towards me, staring me down.
" and who speaks on behalf of this insolent whelp?"
The one o the right asks
I don't meet their gaze but I make sure my voice is strong.
" I'm Belladonna Sorrengail, Alfar of Malthor. "
They jerk back and both look at each other in shock.
" So your then one who's causing all the mischief in the vale. What say you Grindram?"
The second lowers his head toward me and says " I think she's something alright. But it's not our place to determine what right Xirum?"

" Of course not but I do like that she sticks up for those that speak without thinking first. Shows that she's a protector like us."

The line moves forward again and they both say
" Until next time Belladonna."

I shiver at their goodbye.
Rhiannon and Violet are discussing the rule about having zero contact with family until your a second year.
I notice Violet duck her head quickly when she makes eye contact with and orange clubtail. I watch as she shows her teeth in a smirk .

" That's right , little one. You know who your betters are." The orange says and it makes me feel like bugs are crawling all over me.
We move on pass and Violet and Rhiannon continue.
" You don't think it encourages loyalty to the wing?" Rhi asks.
Violet counters with
" I think I'm just as loyal to my sister if I get a letter from her or not."
I agree
" There are bonds that can't be broken." I say to them.
Then Tynan opens his big mouth .
" I'd be loyal to your sister too." Tynan turns to walk backward as he continues .
" She's one hell of a rider , and that ass. I saw her right before parapet and Damn. She's hot!"
We pass another set of reds, a single brown and a pair of greens.
The reds and brown remain silent but the greens have my attention when one of them says
" his voice is very annoying. What say you brother?Should we kill him?"

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