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I slam my opponent to the mat. Blinking away the blood,  that drips from the cut above my brow , as I put them in a head lock.

I say through gritted teeth as he struggles to free himself .
" I suggest you tap out before you pass out from oxygen depravation."
     He glares at me from the corner of his eye as he finally taps the mat three times. I release him and stand only to be hit from a punch from the right. When I turn back to look at him, I smile a blood smile and I don't hold back any more.

I run at him and leap in the air , rearing back I punch him in the nose. A crunch sounds and he lands with a groan.
" The next time you tap out I suggest you take the loss  humbly, James." Professor Emetterio says down to him.

He turns back to me and smiles " Well done , Cadet Sorrengail."  I smile but turn when I hear..........

" Yeild!"

We turn to see Violet pinning Oren. He shakes his head no but then he begins to vomit. All over the mat.
    Emetterio walks over to them and says  " He yields."

Violet stands , grabbing  the dagger Oren dropped a few feet away.  She sheaths the dagger on her left thigh, and moves to stand beside Rhiannon who congratulates her for her win.

I smile , proud of her  for her perseverance and craftiness. Weeks go by and I win all of my challenges. So does Violet. Her through planning and forethought . Me to my brute strength and tenacity.
In Early September , Violet had taken on five opponents and won every match.  But today for some reason her opponent isn't present for her match.
Emmetterio scratches his short black beard and says
" Sorry Violet, you were suppose to challenge Rayma but she's been taken to the healers , because she can't seem to walk in a straight line ."

I see Violets tell, and I smile. She has always bitten her lip when she's up to something and is about to be caught.
" That's to bad." She takes a few steps off the mat and says  " Should I just....."
She points over her shoulder but a voice stops her 
" I'm happy to step in..."
Dread colors Violets face as Xaden steps toward the mat crossing his arms over his broad chest.

" You're sure?"
Professor Emetterio asks glancing over his shoulder.

" Absolutely."
I can tell this is going to be interesting. Especially since they have been fighting the sexual tension since Violet crossed the parapet.

I smile until another voice says  " Professor , I think it would benefit Belladonna to spare with someone from third year as well."
I turn slowly to glare at Garrick as he moves to the mat in front of me.
    Emmetterio runs a hand along his jaw stroking his beard. Then he smiles and says " I think that's a wonderful idea."

I look to the ceiling and pray to Dunne , the goddess of strength and war.
"  please give me strength to survive stupid males."

I hear a rumbling chuckle then a deep voice say
" You'll need a lot more than strength to survive the men in your life Fair one. Luckily, I will always be by your side to help you."

I roll my eyes and step onto the mat facing down the one man who haunts my every waking moment.

" Oh does he now? I'll be sure to tell Chradh that you fancy his rider, the next time we speak."

I think back at him
" Don't . you. Dare!"
He chuckles them disappears from my mind.

Garrick takes up an opening stance. I do the same. We each begin to circle around the mat. I watch to see if he'll give himself away but he only smiles at me.

" Well come on Sorrengail, I haven't got all day."

I ignore his goading and continue to circle the mat. Knowing eventually he'll tire and ........
I don't finish that thought , faster than I thought possible he strikes. I duck then block his left cross.
He drops and tries to sweep my legs out from under me . But I jump and slam into him , pushing him to the mat.
His eyes widen at our position. Me straddling his waist and him staring up into my eyes . Then he says
" Good...."
He next thing I know I'm on my back staring up into his mischievous brown eyes .
" but not good enough Belle."
I smirk at him and say
" I think so...... considering I've got a knife to your favorite body part. And I'm sure you wouldn't want to loose such a vital part of your anatomy just to prove a point would you, Section leader?"

He smiles down at me and taps the mat three times.
" I Yield."
He stands but offers a hand down to me. I slip my hand into his and he gently pulls me to my feet . He leans down and whispers in my ear.....

" One day you and I are going to be in this position again . No weapons,  no audience , no clothes . Nothing stopping me from, wringing every last ounce of pleasure from you till you can't catch your breath. I promise you Belle . When that day comes I will spend however long it takes, on my knees before you, showing you how it feels to be worshipped like a goddess."

When he pulls back to look down at me , I know my cheeks are flushed and my breaths are coming in short pants , from his wicked words.

He smiles as he walks away with confidence in his stride.
Rhiannon steps up beside me watching him walk away.
She whistles a low whistle and I jerk out of my Garrick induced daze.
" Girl , I don't know what he said to you, but what ever it was I could feel the heat emanating off of you two in waves."
I turn to hide my flaming face only to see Vi watching Xaden walk away as well. I sigh, hoping that we'll both survive this place . Or I should say them."

***Authors note***
Ok guys! I'm back! And whewwhee! What a chapter! So tension between Garrick and Belle. More to come. Threshing is coming up! I'm so excited! And you all will get to meet Malthor!!! Ahhhhh! * chefs kiss*
I've got so many ideas for this! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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