Promises, promises

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In the two months that I had been in the riders quadrant , sharing a room with many other riders , I can honestly say it is nice to have my own room. I'll never take the Luxury of privacy for granted again.

I roll over to find it empty. A note placed on the pillow. I push up, grasping it .

" Belle,
Know that I didn't want to leave you this morning. But I was called away by Xaden for an important task. I'll see you hopefully tonight .
Love ,

I smile as I reread the note a few more times . Finally having enough lazing about I prepare for the day. Making my way to breakfast I see Vu, Rhiannon, Liam, Ridoc already in line for breakfast.

I watch as Violet makes her way through the line and comes to stand in front of Oren. He glares at her with hatred. Violet skips his station and chooses fresh fruit. I have no such compunction . I slam my tray down in front of him making him jump.

" Something you want to get off you chest Oren?"
I stare him down refusing to break eye contact.

He looks away first.
" Well, let me just say that if you so much as think of doing anything to Violet. I will come after you. And make sure Malthorian fries you to nothing but dust. That's after Tairn gets done with you.oh and let's not forget about Riorson. You come after her , your dead. "

I lean towards him grabbing his shirt and say " If I so much as hear your name in the same sentence as Violets..... I will come after you. Do I make myself clear?"

He gulps and nods his head yes. " Good. Now I suggest you get off kitchen duty. Your health depends on it."

He scurries to the back and talks to the head of kitchen . I turn and make my way over to the table with the others .

" I still can't believe he tried to kill you." Ridoc says

I look at him and say " You kidding me right?"
They all look at me and Rhiannon says
" No why?"

" Because from day one people have underestimated her. Because of her size. But time and again she has proven herself. Just because she has to do things differently doesn't mean it's the wrong way."

They all look at me like I've grown a second head. I turn back to my food and dig in. Conversation picks up . And I notice something strange going on.

Jack Barlow is being pushed out of his seat at a table three rows down.
The stocky girl from first wing passes the table and says
" Hi Violet."
Vu waves back awkwardly and looks to me.
" She hasn't spoken to me since I beat her and took one of her daggers in that challenge."

" It's because you bonded Tairn." Imogen blows her pink hair out of her face and throws her leg over the bench across for us to sit, pushing up her sleeves of her tunic and revealing her rebellion relic.
" The morning after threshing is always a clusterfuck. Power balence shifts and you two..." she points at Violet and I. " Are now about to be two of three of the most powerful riders in the quadrant. Aside from Riorson that is. Anyone with common sense is right to be scarred of you two."

Violet blinks at her then takes a look around. I noticed it earlier when I had first walked in. Social groups have split up, and some the cadets that I would have considered threats are no longer sitting where they usually do.

Rhi looks around the looks back at Imogen " which is why you're sitting with us?" She arches a brow at eh second year. " because I can count on one hand the number of nice words you've said to us." She holds up a fist with zero fingers raised . I chuckle at that.

Quinn and Sawyer arrive and take a seat . Imogen answers Rhi's question.
Imogen shrugs " You all weren't interesting enough to sit with before."

Quinn says something along the same lines . Violet nearly spits out the bite of her apple when Heaton and Emery, the only thirds years in our squad take a seat near Imogen. The only people missing are Daine and Cianna who are eating with leadership as usual.

" I thought Seifert would bond." Heaton says to Emery across the table , as though we've caught them mid discussion. " Other than losing to Violet her nailed every challenge.
" He tried to kill Andarna." Violet says .

Every head at the table turns to her in shock.
" My guess is that Tairn or Malthorian told the others." I shrug

" But Barlowe Bonded?" Questions Ridoc. " Though from what I've heard his orange Scorpiantail is on the smaller side."

" She is , which is why he's struggling this morning ." Confirms Quinn.

" Don't worry I'm sure he'll make up for it in other ways." Rhiannon states . She notices Violets plate and sighs " Seriously Vi? You need protein. You can't just survive on fruit."

Vu sighs and says " It's the only food I know won't be tampered with especially since Oren is on kitchen duty."

" Oh for fucks sake!"
exclaims Imogen scarping three pieces of sausage onto her plate. " She's right your going to need all your strength especially with a dragon as big as Tairn."

I feel a buzzing in my head , which I'm sure means Tairn is talking to Violet. I look around the room. Until my eyes fall on the leadership dais . Riorson is watching Violet . Intently.

" You really need to stop worrying about Riorson and Violet. He means well ."
Mal says to me.

" It's my job to worry for her. She's my sister."

" I too worry for my sister but if we worry to much we begin to stifle their growth."

I look back at Violet and see that's exactly what I've been doing.
" I hear you. Oh wise one."

" And don't t you forget it."

I roll my eyes at his haughty tone and turn my eyes back to the leadership dais to find Garrick watching me. He smirks at me .

I raise an eyebrows at him.

" You do know that if you keep staring at me people are going to get the wrong idea." I think to him through my bond with Malthorian .

" Let them . Let them think what they will but in the end it all comes down to you screaming my name at the end of the day."

I feel my face flush at that .
" Belle ? You ok? You look at little flushed." Ask Violet

I turn to look at her and say " Yeah I'm fine."

" I'll get you back later. But for now behave!"

" How can I ? when I know what it feels like to sink deep into your depths and to hear you moan my name."

I squirm in my seat as he says this.
" Belle are you sure your alright?"
I turn to look at Rhiannon and smile at her.
" Yeah I'm fine."

" you know what? Maybe I should return the favor. Maybe I should crawl beneath that table unlace your pant and pull your dick out and wrap my mouth around......"

His knee his the table causing a loud bang to echo around the cafeteria.
I smile as I take a drink of my coffee.

" I'll get you back for that."

" Promises, promises."

Authors note

Hi guys! I'm back! Sorry for the long wait I've been dealing with a lot of stuff in my personal life and it's been a mess. But hoping to get back to writing and being able to update my stories more. Please be patient with me. As always leave me a comment and tell me what you think

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