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To say that utter chaos ensues is an understatement. The upper leadership is arguing over the fact that Violet bonded two dragons. But there's nothing to argue over. We don't meddle in dragon affairs.

I haven't even told the roll keeper the name of my bonded yet due to the fact that leadership demanded the rolls from the past threshing to go over each one to make sure nothing like this had happened in the past.

It's been at least an hour and the shouting hasn't stopped. I turn and do something that could get me court marshaled but I have had enough. I walk towards the tent and throw the flap aside.

" Cadet Sorrengail! What is the meaning of this!" Melgran states.

" Permission to speak freely sir?" I do stand at attention.

" Granted."

" You all are being utter nimrods! You have no say in the ways of dragons. So for you all to be arguing over the fact that Violet bonded not one but two dragons is ridiculous. Get your heads out of your asses and let it be. You don't have a choice anyways . It's done."

They all look at me like I've grown a second head.
" You are out of line Cadet Sorrengail."
I turn and stare down the Major .
" Maybe. But at least I'm not arguing round in circles over something that I can't change."

I look at mother and nod at her .
" Permission to leave sirs?"

" Granted Cadet Sorrengail." I nod at Major Afendra and turn to leave.

" A word of warning , Cadet."
I freeze and turn to look back at them all. General Melgren stares me down.

" understand your place. And understand the chain of command."

" I understand , but sir....."

He raises an eyebrow at me . I continue ...glaring at them all. " Understand yours . Your not the one at the top of the food chain. They are."

Jaws drop at my cavalier words . I don't turn back to see their reactions .
I make my way to the roll keeper that's had taken her place back at the desk.

She looks up at my approach. I sigh and tell her my name and my dragons name. "Belladonna Sorrengail. . My dragons name is Malthorian."

She looks behind me . Her eyes widen at the sight of Malthor appearing behind me. His warm breath moving my hair.

" Oh my...." She says
I cross my arms and smile a devilish smile.
" Indeed."

" no I don't think you understand who've you bonded to."
She stares up in awe at him. I look back over my shoulder and think to him.

" anything I should know you crusty old lizard?"

" no comment."

I roll my eyes and turn back to the roll keeper.
" That's Malthorian from the line of Camoufler. The greatest dragon to have ever walked the earth. He's basically their king. And his powers are limitless. "

I raise widened eyes back up to him.
" King? Your a king?!"
He rolls his eyes and lays down and crosses his for legs .
" Essentially yes."

" I'm bonded to the king of. Dragons?!"

He winces and says
" Yes."

I turn back to the roll keeper and ask
" On a scale of one to ten.... How much danger am I going to be in from other riders?"

She winces and says
" Certain death."

Great. Fantastic.
I've bonded the most sought after dragon of all time. I'm dead.

" Stop with the dramatics. No dragon will harm you..."

" I'm not worried about the dragons. It's the riders or the un-bonded I'm worried about."

" if one person lays a hand on you I will make sure they suffer . They will burn in the fiery pits of hell . I'd make sure of it."


" Belle!"
I turn to see Violet walking towards me. She takes in Malthor and I watch as her eyes widen.

" Belle .... Is that your dragon?"

" yes he is ."

" He's beautiful."

" I like her."
Rumbles Malthor.

I roll my eyes at his gleeful tone " You just like her cause she said your beautiful."

" Belle..... are you alright?"

I look back at Violet .
" Sorry still getting use to the bond."

" Belle!"

I turn to see Garrick striding towards me. My heart beats erratically as he draws nearer.

" Garrick I ......"

He wraps an arm around my waist and tunnels his hand into my hair. Pulling me flush against him , he kisses me. No he devours my mouth. And I let him.

When he finally pulls away , he places his forehead to mine.
"You made it."
I smile at him " Yeah I did."

" Good . So where's your dragon?"

" I'm right here."

Garrick looks up ... and up ... and up. His eyes don't widen like the others did when they saw Malthor. Instead he crosses his arms and smiles a Devil may care smile.

" hello Malthor."

My eyes widen at that cause I can hear his thoughts . I can hear Garrick.

" Hello Wingleader."

They both turn to look at me and spots cloud my vision. Because something is definitely wrong . I can hear Garrick speak to Malthor. That's not possible.
I fall to my knees at the realization that there's more going on here than what I first realized.

" Belle!"

Strong arms catch me as I faint . I'm never going to live this down.

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