Sparring ring

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" The sparring ring
is where riders are
made or broken.
After all no respectable
dragon would choose
a rider who cannot
defend themselves,
and no respectable cadet
Would allow such a
threat to the wing
continue training."

~ Major Afendra's
Guide to the
Rider's Quadrant
(Unauthorized Edition)

I sigh as I listen to the scribes read the names of those that didn't make it across the parapet. I never understood the ritual of only speaking the dead's name once and burning all of their worldly possessions.

" Simone Castenda."
Captain Fitzgibbons finishes reading the death roll , closing it .
" We commend their souls to Malek."
We're dismissed . Dain turns to us
" Hopefully you all ate breakfast, because your not going to get another chance." He levels a look at Violet. I roll my eyes , as I cross my arms over my chest.
Rhiannon and Violet whisper amongst themselves as Dain gives our squad instructions .
" First years , at least one of you should have memorized your academic schedule when it was handed out yesterday."

I'm having a hard time taking him seriously. I can't picture this stern , serious guy , with the boy who followed Violet around when we were growing up.
" Stick together. I expect you all to be alive when we meet in the sparring gym this afternoon."

I smile at that . Sparring. the one thing I'm good at. I look to my left to see a pensive looking Violet.
Oh shit. Their gonna eat her alive. I place a hand on her shoulder and gently squeeze.

" I've got your back, Vi."
The smile she gives me is one that I've seen many times. She's worried.

A whistle sounds and I see her jerk to her right . I roll my eyes and push her towards it.

" Go on. I'll grab your stuff and meet you at Class."
She begins to walk away but I call out to her. She turns to look back at me.
" Don't let him pressure you."

She nods her head and moves quickly towards the rotunda. I notice another set of eyes watching her and I stare him down.
He feels my eyes boring into him .

He meets my eyes, holding my gaze. Surprisingly he smirks and bows his head to me. I nod my head in return. Moving quickly to grab mine and Violets things for class.
If I know Atos he's trying to get Violet to change her mind. She won't , not when mother made her stand on Violet joining the scribe quadrant clear.

Just as I'm grabbing our things I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My instincts are screaming danger.
I draw my dagger from the sheath and turn just as a first year tackles me to the floor. I punch him in the face , knocking him off of me. He falls back , scrambling to get up and fight. He gets back up and comes at me again. This time with a dagger of his own.

" I suggest you think about this. Because this is the only warning your gonna get. Walk away ." I growl at him
He sneers at me and lunges. I plunge my dagger into his shoulder . He screams

I crouch over him as I pull the dagger out and ask. " What's your name?"

He whimpers and says
" Faron Grandor."

" Well Faron, let this be a lesson to you and anyone else who comes against Violet or I. We fight back. Now get your ass to a healer before I decide to take your hand as punishment."

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