Called Upon

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  In the best interest
Of preserving peace within
no more than three cadets
carrying rebellion relics
may be assigned to any squad in and quadrant.
-Addendum 5.2,
In addition to last years changes, marked ones
Assembling in groups of three or more will now
be considered an act
of Seditious conspiracy
and is herby a capital offense.
-Addendum 5.3

I jerk awake when my wrist starts itching. I look down to see the tattoo swirling around my wrist. I groan and dress quickly. I grab my healers bag from beneath my bunk swinging the strap across my chest. I look over at Violets bunk to find it empty. I shake my head as move towards the hall. I make my way to the courtyard only to be pulled into an alcove.

I fight against my captors hold. Until they say
" Would you cool it Whirlwind?"
I freeze at his voice he releases me and I turn and look at Garrick .

" You want to get knee'd in the balls? Cause I'm about two seconds away from......"

He smirks at me and says
"or  what?"
He crowds me and I gulp as I stare up at him.
" There a reason I'm being summoned?" I ask instead.

He moves back from me.
And rubs his neck.
" Yeah , Xaden wants you to come with me. We'll meet up with him in alittle bit."

I stare at him for a few seconds .
" fine let's get this over with."
I follow him down the corridor and down the steps , wondering where in the world he's leading me.
It isn't until I see the old oak Violet and I use to come and climb with Atos when we were kids . It's actually the same tree Violet fell from and broke her ankle.

I stop beside the river to see several marked ones assembled. I grab Garricks arm whispering furiously
" Have you lost your mind! They all will think  I'm going to report you! I won't ! But still!"

He looks down at me and says
" Belladonna I promise you no one will come against you here . Especially with Xadens protection. Now we need you to look at a few of the first years."

I sigh and say
" You expect me to look at them in the dark?"

He smirks at me then leans down to whisper in my ear.
" You need to chill out Whirlwind."

Goosebumps erupts along my arms and down my neck. I shiver at his close proximity.  He leans back a few inches and stares at me.

" What's she doing here?!"
Screeches someone to my left. I turn to see at least fifty marked ones all staring at me with mixed emotions. Some are angry, others scared, and some are pulling swords, daggers, axes from their person .

" that's enough! She's here because I asked her here. Anyone else want to question me?" Says Xaden

He appears from behind the oak. Like a wraith appearing from the mists.
Several of them begin to argue. I look to Garrick and step forward.
" if any of you want to try to duel out punishment then be my guest , but I'm here under oath to help. I don't agree with what happened to your families. Even if it was my own mother who ordered their executions. I'm sorry but I've given my word to help you in any way I can. You don't have to like me, heck, hate me for all I care , but let me help you if I can."

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