II - prefect

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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.   

Stepping into the train compartment felt like stepping into a new world. The Danica that quivered in fear was long gone, instead, there stood a confident and proud girl that everyone knew.

   "I'm back from my summer hibernation. Did anything interesting happen without me?" She asked which instantly turned everyone's head in her direction.

"Danica! I missed you terribly!" Narcissa Black was the first to stand up and engulf her in a tight hug. Danica feared that her best friend would drift away from her after the engagement was canceled, but it seemed like there was nothing to worry about. 

   Narcissa's long, flowing blonde hair was tied back elegantly with a purple ribbon that matched her aura of grace. Her radiant smile and sparkling eyes were a stark contrast to Danica's initial apprehension. She had always been the embodiment of both elegance and sweetness, a trait that endeared her to everyone she met.

"Enough with the theatrics, Narcissa." Someone rudely interjected.

Looking behind her best friend's shoulder, Danica saw Lucius Malfoy sitting beside the window, cross-legged. His hair was still as long as ever.

   "Oh, take it easy elf boy. What is it to you anyway?" Danica grimaced at him.

"It's because she is my fi- damn it..." He was cut off by Narcissa who quickly sat down beside him and pressed herself onto his arm.

"Danica, I've got some exciting news!" She paused, wiggling her feet in excitement. "Lucius and I will get married after graduation."

   Full silence lingered around the room; everyone was waiting for Danica's reaction.

   Danica shot a venomous glare towards their interlocked hands, feeling bile rising up her throat. Narcissa had a huge and extravagant diamond ring on her finger, which to Danica simply looked like a twisted way of displaying his ownership.

"Narcissa, are you serious? And why in Merlin's name didn't you send me a letter?" Danica made sure to control her tone, so she wouldn't sound too harsh.

   "I wanted to! But with Regulus and you, I thought you wouldn't want to hear about another engagement."

   "Alright, fine." Danica sighed in defeat."You better treat her right, Malfoy." She noted before sitting down in her empty place.

   Everyone knew to keep it for her.

From a young age, Danica had grasped the unyielding truth: in a world where power reigned supreme, vulnerability was akin to surrendering to the wolves. Within her own family, she harbored no illusions—she held no power. In their eyes, her fate was a mere plaything, tossed around like a pawn on a chessboard.

So, when she arrived at Hogwarts five years ago, she saw a new opportunity to rise to the top. Danica Lestrange, they called her—charismatic, indomitable, the very embodiment of power.

  Alecto Carrow, who was sitting the opposite of Narcissa and Lucius, emboldened by the momentary pause in Danica's reign, chimed in with a mocking tone, "So, how did your summer break go, cousin? I heard you were having some troubles in paradise. Must suck to have a falling out with not one, but two brothers of the Black family." She laughed like a hyena.

   Without missing a beat Danica replied, "Oh, dear, I see you're still struggling to grasp the concept of social dynamics. Let me break it down for you: my family's situation means I've got standards and principles, something you might want to consider learning about." Danica then turned towards Alecto's twin, Amycus, who sat next to his sister. When he turned away his head, feeling small under her gaze, Danica slowly felt a smirk creeping up her lips. This was it. Power.

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