VIII - first not date

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The morning was sweet. The morning was quiet.

James Potter was not.

"Hark! Is that but a query?!", shouted James capturing the attention of the entire Great Hall, even reaching the far end of the Gryffindor table where a certain fiery-haired witch sat. "I deemed such a notion to be self-evident, for my very being, both flesh and spirit, strands captive to my one and only fair lady. DOST THOU HEARST, O LILY-FLOWER? I AM THINE, AND THIS FORTHCOMING WEEKEND DOTH GRANT ME UTTER FREEDOM!" A barrage of unprintable words and a well-flipped finger was her response.

Not that his theatrics were anything new, but it did manage to draw out a couple of laughs even from the Slytherin table, including Evan Rosier.

"This guy is seriously the most resilient person I met in my life. Couldn't be me.", he said, shoving another piece of bacon into his mouth.

Danica, sitting at the opposite of Evan, laughed, "Resilient or just utterly shameless? Either way, he's certainly entertaining."

"Right," he grumbled, "he does tend to make a show during our matches."


"Yeah. It's always Potter this Potter that coming from the commentators."

Danica arched an eyebrow as she sipped her lemon black tea, her curiosity piqued. "Speaking of Quidditch, Evan, aren't you supposed to be at practice right now? Slytherins have the field booked, don't they?" She glanced towards the empty seat on the far end of the table, noticing that Regulus Black was missing from breakfast, a telltale sign that Slytherin Quidditch practice was in session.

Evan chuckled, setting his fork down and flashing a mischievous grin. "Ah, my dear Danica, I do believe that Quidditch practice can survive without my impeccable presence for a morning or two. After all, beauty sleep and a nutritious breakfast are essential to maintaining this stunning physique." He patted his chest exaggeratedly, drawing a few amused glances.

Danica rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, don't forget to grace them with your presence before the next match. You wouldn't want your admirers to miss you too much, now, would you?"

"Without a question. I can't have my loyal fans be left disappointed.", he leaned back smugly and almost fell, forgetting he was sitting on a bench. "And speaking of fans and admirers, where's your Romeo?"

"Who's Romeo?", she questioned, confused at the name.

"It's from a muggle story. A pair of star-crossed lovers."

"Star-crossed?", annoyingly Regulus and herself popped into her head. She wrote it off to their names. "How does the story end?"

"They commit double suicide."


"That, sounds... entertaining. Muggles do have the knack for writing the most bizarre things."

"It is, however, beautiful."

"How is dying beautiful?"

He looked up at Danica, with a smile, but his eyes held a pained expression. It sent shudders down her spine.

"One day, Dani. One day you'll know."

She was going to ask him to elaborate more but his head shot past her and his eyes squinted mischievously.

"Oh, there he is, your Romeo."

Danica looked behind her and there he was.

Maximilian was standing nervously at the entrance door, his hands fidgeting with the collar of his button-up, holding a messy bouquet of flowers.

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