IX - memories, letters, duels

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"Dani, drop the crab, Evan's crying."

"Why?? I'm going to grill it."

"Not Crabbykins!"


The soft summer breeze blew through her ponytail, creating gentle waves in the sea. She could taste the salt on her tongue and the sand stuck to the soles of her feet.

"OUCH!", Danica dropped the huge crab from her small hands after it slightly clawed at her and dipped her finger into the water that she was standing in, ankle-deep.

"IT'S SWIMMING TOWARDS ME!", Sirius screamed in a very girly high-pitched voice and jumped so fast onto the sand, that Danica wondered if he learned apparition.

"Don't be stupid, Sirius.", Regulus knelt down next to Danica, checking her bleeding finger in worry, "Look, even Evan is petting it."

Surely, Evan has already managed to capture poor 'Crabbykins' and cradle in like a baby.

"Reggie is right, Sirius. Do you know how delicious they are?", Danica chimed in again, expecting to draw out another reaction from Evan, and surely she did.

"You monster! Just look into its eyes.!", Evan held out the crab in front of him.

"Come on, Dani, mother will be mad if we are late to lunch.", Regulus, the sole voice of reason, pulled up Danica by her sleeve.

"Stop being such a bore, Reg.", Sirius whined and ran up to them.

"But mother-"

"Look," he cut his younger brother off, "Dani wants to stay as well? Do you Dani?"



Danica screamed as Sirius cheered and tackled her into the shallow water, splashing all around and soaking their clothes.

"Danica!!", Regulus shouted in panic, rushing to help Danica up, harshly pushing his brother to the side who was hiccuping from laughing too hard "Sirius stop bullying my future wife! Are you okay, Dani?"

Danica didn't hear what Regulus was saying. She was in a trance, enamored by his pretty grey eyes that filled with worry as they skimmed over her soaked appearance.

Her cheeks turned a shade of dark crimson and she could feel her heart jumping out of her chest when he gently held her hand and examined her for any injuries.

"She's not your wife yet, you're ten!", Sirius defended himself, still sitting in the water. Though, the reaction he received from Regulus was far from mild.

"Eight years later, after we finish Hogwarts, she will.", Regulus scowled angrily at Sirius. But, his thoughts were caught off the moment he looked back at the girl in his arms."Dani! You're burning up!" He placed his forehead onto hers to check for temperature, which only made her face look the same shade as the crab in Evan's hands.

"I-I'm fine!" She quickly pushed herself away and began walking towards the shore where Evan was playing with the crab, oblivious to what was happening. "I need to go back, to dry myself off. Pandora will scold me for being unladylike."

"Wait, Danica! I'll come wi-"

"NO!", she cut Regulus off, still hiding her burning face, "I want to go with Evan."

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