VII - legilimens

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The first week of September passed in a blink of an eye. Danica hasn't spoken to Regulus since the day of their fight, so each of their shared classes was spent in complete silence.

The rest of the company surrounding her, minus Evan or Narcissa, were insufferable and hence she buried herself in her studies as an excuse to avoid them as much as possible.

Besides, the new curriculum was a proper headache for her lately, now having to study for a final exam rather than just for a good report, so an extra hour or two was always welcomed.

Thus, on a Thursday morning, she found herself surrounded by thick textbooks, writing the final touches to her Divinations essay at one of the more secluded desks in the library.

Which is why when someone settled into the chair next to her, she hardly welcomed their presence with open arms.

"Can I assist you?", Danica said politely, though an undertone of annoyance was still prominent in her voice. She didn't bother to look up, so she dipped her quill in her inkpot and kept writing.

"Well, now that you mention it," the voice replied, "I could use your assistance as my date for the upcoming Slug Club dinner. What do you say, Danica?"

Without delay, she met the voice with her gaze, knowing exactly who it belonged to.

"Maximilian," Danica placed her quill down and smiled, "fancy seeing you here at the library. I didn't peg you for the studious type."

"It's just Max for you, darling," he grinned at her, delighted at her attention, "and all I can say is that I'm full of surprises. But, I'm afraid you evaded my question.", he placed his head onto his folded arms looking up at her with a grin etched onto his features.

"You were invited to the Slug Club, Maximilian?", she avoided answering.

His eyelids drooped slightly at her response, clearly relishing the chase. "Yes, this morning Professor Slughorn gave me the invitation, saying he was impressed by my tryouts."

She quickly recalled Evan mentioning in a conversation the other day about the new Gryffindor keeper reaching record scores on his tryouts to the team and how much of a threat he was now. Slughorn must've jumped at the opportunity of adding a possible future quidditch star to his collection. James must be punching the air right now.

"Impressive," Danica noted while stacking up the books she borrowed, ready to put them back, "Slughorn rarely takes an interest in someone who isn't from his house."

"Darling, you're killing me.", he placed his hand on his chest and dramatically feigned being stabbed in his heart fore hev avoidance of the question, "But since you are so sweet, I can't help but ask you again if you would be my date.

"Slow down, lover boy. It's the second time you've seen me.", she shook her head as she was placing the books back onto their designated places on the shelves.

"And the second time I was utterly mesmerised by you."

Danica couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his smooth reasoning. He was admittedly quite fun talking to.

"I didn't doubt that," she swiftly turned to face him when they were completely alone in one of the deeper aisles, "but you don't even know me, the same way I don't know you."

"And yet," he began, his voice carrying a hint of charm, "I knew enough the moment my eyes first landed on you to realize I'd be an absolute fool if I didn't ask you out." His gaze held hers, and there was a twinkle of genuine interest in his eyes.

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