XIII - truce

346 15 7

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"Please open your books on page 168.", Slughorn's directive cut through the classroom's stale air.

Danica, once the epitome of sophistication, now sat hunched over her textbook, wrestling with the dull ache of a relentless hangover. Her Slytherin tie felt like an oppressive noose, but she tugged at it discreetly, determined to maintain an air of poise.

Much like her, Regulus who sat next to her, was in no better state. His cuffs were messily buttoned and his curls looked shapeless and unkempt. Two purple circles tinted the bottom of his eyes on his sickly pale skin.

Somehow, it felt quite satisfying seeing him look not so content after last night.

"Can anyone tell me what is the title of today's lesson? Yes, Miss Nowakowski?", the professor pointed at a Gryffindor.

"It says Wolfsbane Potion, sir.", she answered.

"Thank you, that's right. Would you mind reading the class its uses please?", he asked her again.

Danica pulled out her leatherback notebook and began scribbling on the title.

"Wolfsbane Potion is a specialized elixir designed to mitigate the effects of lycanthropy, a magical condition causing individuals to transform into werewolves during the full moon." Danica raised her eyebrows curiously when the girl began reading. Why the hell would they need to learn about werewolf medicine?

"The potion, commonly referred to by its Latin name "Lupinum Lunaris," is brewed from a precise combination of ingredients, with Wolfsbane being a key component.", the girl finished.

"Perfect." Slughorn clapped his hands in excitement, walking behind his desk where a large cauldron stood. "Here I made a batch of the potion just this morning. If you look at its appearance, it should have a glowing silvery tint to it.", he mixed it with a measuring spoon. "Now if you read the page that you are on, there you'll see the ingredients as well as the instructions on how to brew it."

Danica quickly skimmed through the instructions while Slughorn continued the explanation."The recipe is quite advanced, I agree . Which is why please utilise your partner to their full potential. This an assignment for two." the professor emphasized, his gaze sweeping over the classroom.

She felt Regulus stiffen beside her. He, usually poised and composed, now seemed almost restless. His fingers tapped nervously on the edge of the desk, and his gaze flickered from the parchment to the surroundings, avoiding any direct eye contact.

Curiously, however, she was not the source of his discomfort this time around. Feeling the air shift, Danica tried tracing down the source of his troubles until her eyes reached a petite blonde girl sitting by the window, who shamelessly sent glares in Danica's direction.

Her bones chilled when the memories of the past night flooded back inside her head. The way Regulus was holding her, pushing the blond locks aside, pressing her body against the wall.

It was all so disgustingly unsettling.

Meanwhile, the classroom buzzed with activity. Students gathered their ingredients for the Wolfsbane Potion, their movements creating a background hum. Amidst the commotion, Danica and Regulus remained seated.

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