XX - starry night

307 14 4

tw: implications of suicide and self-harm

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

As the morning sun began to peek over the horizon, a thick fog settled around Platform 9¾, blanketing the Hogwarts Express. The train remained stationary, its windows fogged up from the chilly air.

Inside the carriages, a profound silence reigned, lacking the usual chatter and laughter of students. The emptiness felt almost comforting.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Regulus, sitting at the opposite of her inside the compartment. His eyes wouldn't leave the book he was reading as he spoke to her. 'Arcane Curses', she saw the title. Danica raised a brow at it but didn't ask any further.

"Nothing...it just still feels like burning rods are stuck to my skin, and I want to rip it all off."

His eyes paused reading. He gently closed the book and placed it on his lap.

"Show me." he looked at her. Danica could barely recognize him. It felt like a dementor sucked the life out of him.

She looked out of the window to check for any onlookers. The platform was still empty, yet she still pulled the curtains closed.

She hasn't looked at it herself since she received it. She simply couldn't bring herself to.

Slowly, she reached for her cuffs and unbuttoned them. Her hands were shaking.

"I- I can't do it." she whispered shakily.

Regulus's eyes softened, and he leaned closer, placing his hand atop hers. Gently, he guided it up, revealing the skin of her forearm.

Danica wanted to vomit when she saw the disgusting black ink.

The mark was an ugly blotch, its lines jagged and crude, etched into her skin with a sickly black ink that seemed to seep into her pores. It looked like a festering wound, the skin around it inflamed and irritated.

Regulus pulled her sleeve down, and finally, she could breathe. "I'm sorry." he cooed.

"Did it hurt when he did it to you?" she asked him. She didn't need to hear the answer. One look at him told her everything.

His face was sickly pale, his eyes dull. Danica doubted that he'd gotten any sleep in the last week.

"Avery has no idea what is coming for him." she mumbled.

"I think he does." said Regulus leaning back. "They all do. They just don't care"

"Yeah...I know." she sighed. "But we aren't any better. Now, we are one of them."

He didn't say anything back and just picked up the book from where he left it.

The title really bugged her. It was dark magic.

"Why are you reading that?"

Regulus raised his head in surprise. Danica felt that he was nervous. His eyes darted around her face, looking for a reaction, and the grip on his book became stronger. Something was off.


"Good Morning!" the doors of the compartment darted of open. "Dani- Oh! Cousin! Fancy seeing you here." Narcissa cheerfully greeted them.

In a moment, she was already sitting next to Danica, side-hugging her.

Malfoy, on the other hand, seemed to rock a sour expression.

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