XVII - 30 years

297 15 6

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For the first time that year, her owl dropped down an envelope with a red seal. Everyone in the Dining Hall seemed excited to rip open, read, and laugh about the letters they received from their loved ones. The last letter before Christmas break.

Danica was frozen, staring at the sealed envelope.

Her hands were sweaty from anxiety. To calm herself down, she quickly raised her head and scanned around the room. All were familiar faces. Many were hungover, some were sleeping in. To her joy, Huber was absent. But so was Regulus.

"Oh, look Dani." exclaimed Narcissa, who sat next to her at the breakfast table, after a sip of her morning tea. "I've got the same one as you.", she shook an identical-looking letter. "Won't you open it?"

Danica shifted her eyes between Narcissa and the letter, before sighing and turning her wand into a knife. Reluctantly, she opened up the seal.

Not so surprisingly, it was Rodolphus's handwriting.

You are Invited

The honor of your presence is requested
at the forthcoming celebration of the union between:

Miss Danica Lestrange
of the House of Lestrange


Mr. Nicholas Rosier
of the Rosier Dynasty

Join us at the British Rosier Residence
as we mark the auspicious occasion
on the eve of the New Year

Your esteemed attendance is greatly valued

Formal attire is kindly encouraged

Please reply by owl
prior to the twentieth day of December.

With esteemed regards,
The Lestrange and Rosier Families.

She almost laughed at this insanity. Receiving a formal invitation to her own engagement ceremony was a new level of cruelty.

Her entire body shook from disgust.

"I'm sorry Cissy, I feel a little hungover from last night. I'm afraid I have to go."

Danica didn't bother to hear her best friend's answer. She went straight towards the exit and practically ran down the halls.

Her brain buzzed from all the dread. This was her life. Her reality. And she had no power to change it. Because she wasn't strong. Not as strong as-

"Danica!", she was harshly pulled by her wrist, breaking her out of her incoming panic attack.

She wasn't as strong as Sirius.

"Oh.", she pulled her arm away and looked down at her feet in embarrassment "What do you want, Sirius?"

"I-" He closed his eyes and ran his tattooed hand through his long hair. "I just wanted to talk to you since last night. It's been eating me alive. And I know it's not the best time and you're probably still mad at me but, are you okay?" His brows furrowed as he looked at her, almost in shame.

Danica's shoulders dropped in relaxation. She took a much-needed breath.

"I just hoped it wouldn't be so soon." her eyes watered.

His nose scrunched in wonder. "Wait," he held up his hands. "did you anticipate his affair?"


"Huber." He raised an eyebrow. "I'm talking about Huber."

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