XXII - a way to desires

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"Do you mind telling us why you're outside your room an entire hour past curfew, Miss Montgomery?" Regulus asked the fourth-year Ravenclaw.

The girl stammered out a hastily concocted excuse, stumbling over her words. "I-I couldn't sleep." She replied. "I was just going to the library to do some reading. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Regulus listened patiently as he considered her response. "Your punishment will be determined by Professor Flitwick during detention tomorrow evening."

The girl's eyes darted toward Danica as if asking for any sympathy or reprieve.

"You heard him." Said Danica, not budging. "Now off you go, we better not catch you here again."

With a disappointed sigh, the girl lowered her gaze and slunk away to her dorms. Danica and Regulus waited until the girl was completely out of sight before they continued their patrol.

"These Ravenclaws..." he shook his head in mild annoyance. "Don't they already have a private library in their common room?"

Danica couldn't help but chuckle at his remark.
"Right, because we aren't about to break into the restricted section either."

"Can't have any witnesses." he rolled his eyes.

It was clear he was a member of the Black family. Dramatic as hell.

"Don't worry, Reg," she whispered to him. "Nobody's interested in your niche taste in literature. What was the title..? 'How to Fall in Love with a Duke in Seven Days'?"

Regulus's face flushed brightly in a mix of embarrassment and irritation. "Cut it out.", he grumbled.

Danica couldn't help but laugh at his face. She must've been blind to never notice just how openly he showed any internal reactions. Or maybe it was just with her. Either way, she loved this version of Regulus.

The torch-lit hallway led them to the heavy wooden door of the library entrance. Regulus gestured for Danica to stop, then he leaned in, pressing his ear against the door to listen for any signs of activity.

After a brief moment, he straightened back up and nodded to her. The coast was clear.

Danica reached for her wand and pointed at the doorknob.

"Alohomora", she whispered, and the lock quietly clicked open. "You go first.", she said, looking at Regulus who rolled his eyes.

He placed his palm on the doorknob. "Here goes nothing.", he mumbled, and with a gentle push, the library's entrance opened. "Come on." he stepped inside, the old carpet drowning the sound of his steps.

As expected, the library was emptied out. Even Ravenclaws would not dare to step inside at night, too afraid of catching a detention slip with their new caretaker, Filch. Danica quietly closed the door behind her as she stepped inside.

Danica huffed with a wry smile as she scanned the library, realizing Regulus must've wasted no time and already ventured into the restricted section. As she rounded a corner, she spotted Regulus in the distance, barely managing to hold up a tower of books.

"What the hell, Reg.", she chuckled.

"Stop laughing." he shot her a glare, but behind the tomes she saw a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips. "Hurry up, we don't have a lot of time before that greasy bastard appears."

Danica shuddered at the thought of Filch dragging her off to Dumbledore's office and immediately picked up half of his book stack.

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