X - slytherins for the win

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"Hurry up already!", Narcissa urged behind the door.

"Wait-shit, it's not getting off.", Danica shouted back from the bathroom while frantically trying to scrub the face paint off her fingers.

Impatiently, Narcissa stormed into the bathroom, and with a single swing of her wand, the paint was removed from Danica's fingers and two stripes of silver and green appeared on her cheeks.

"There you go. Now, come on, Lucius will get mad if we're late.", Narcissa grabbed Danica's hand and dragged her out of their room into the halls, but not before draping on their house scarves and putting on expensive black leather gloves.

The common room was half-empty because everyone had already left for the stadium, save for a couple of lost first-years. They ran out and into the halls, leading to the exit of the castle.

"So, are you cheering for us then?", Narcissa asked, huffing through each word.

"Is that even a question? Slytherins for the win, as always.", Danica replied almost offended.

"Your little boyfriend would beg to differ."

"He's not my boyfriend. And even if he was, I'd still cheer for my house. For Rabastan.", they reached the door to the courtyard. Narcissa pushed it open and held it to let Danica out. "Thanks."

"You're welcome.", she paused, "So you'd still cheer even when my cousin is on the team?"

"He's a good seeker."

"Woah, woah there miss.", Narcissa stopped and blocked the way in front of Danica.

"Narcissa we're getting late. The game will start soon.", she rolled her eyes trying to push through but her best friend kept stubbornly blocking her.

"The game can wait. This cannot. Did I hear someone praising Regulus Black?"

Danica scoffed, "I certainly did not praise him."

"But you did acknowledge something good about him. That's progress!", Narcissa exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know what I'm saying. A few days ago you almost killed him and now this!"

"This.", Danica paused in an attempt to play along with a brow raised. "What's this?"

"Geez you're dense. Something must've happened between the two of you.", Suddenly, Narcissa's eyes widened in realization and she gasped. "What happened at the hospital wing?"

"For fuck's sake Narcissa.", Danica managed to walk around the blockage and quickly head towards the stadium, Narcissa hot on her heels.

"Go on, I'm all ears."

"Nothing happened. I fell asleep soon after you left and when I woke up, he was already discharged."

"Yeah, I'm not buying it."

"Well, too bad, because that's exactly what happened.", she replied harshly, beginning to get annoyed by all these questions about Regulus

Narcissa kept quiet for a bit, "Wait, really? You're being serious?", she asked in genuine surprise.

"Yes!", Danica raised her hands in frustration, "Why are you even so adamant that something had to happen?"

"Because of the tension!"

"Sure, whatever.", she rolled her eyes. The players' tents and the stadium itself were now only a couple dozen meters away, with a large sea of people surrounding them, however, Malfoy's unique hair was still hard to not notice. "Look, blondie's there.", she pointed at him.

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