XI - you kiss by th' book

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.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

The morning air hung heavy with the aftermath of the match, the stadium's roar gradually fading into the distance. Amidst the cool shadows, her thoughts were a tempest, each stride pushing her further from the overwhelming chaos as the soles of Danica's shoes smushed the puddled wet grass.

His eyes were just... there. And nothing, not even her wet hair uncomfortably clinging to the back of her neck could distract her from that image.

As a matter of fact, she didn't know what exactly about them that made her feel so bothered. She's seen them plenty of times before. Just two blobs of grey.

Was it the intensity of the moment? The aftermath?  Did she blame herself for the loss? 'Merlin!', she thought. She completely forgot about her brother. Was it even her fault? Or, did the game bother her at all?

This was all so stupid, and embarrassing.

She didn't know why she was suddenly running off.

Not that she really wanted to know the answer anyway. Only thinking of it made her feel nauseous. So, she tried taking slower breaths to calm down her pumping heart.

When she stumbled lightly on the gravel ground, Danica finally snapped out of her own world and looked around. The vast expanse of the Black Lake laid itself a few meters away from her feet. The heavy branches of a willow tree shaded her from the spiking out sun rays.

"I'm happy you found our spot.", startled, Danica flinched and turned around to be met with the sight of a struggling Huber who was leaning over his knees and panting. Right. She completely forgot about him, "Damn, you are so fast, I almost lost you." His bright smile cracked across his face, bringing ease to her mind.

Recollecting herself, Danica relaxed her stiffened shoulders and placed on a pleasant smile, shoving away the images of the end of the game. "Our spot, you say?", she asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, our." Maximilian straightened his back and stepped closer, stopping a few feet away from Danica. "We had our first date here." His smile never left his face.

A single glance around reminded her of that day a week prior.

When she looked back at him, her lips contorted into a subtle smirk she took one slow step closer.

"I thought it was meant to be a-"

"Friendly stroll? Unfortunately, yes, I made the mistake of giving it such a label." He walked a little closer and took off his leather quidditch gloves. Danica finally took in his messy brown hair and the way his uniform nicely clung to his wide shoulders. "My eyes are up here, dear." He raised her chin with the tip of his finger.

Before her face could be flooded with a shade of deep red, she collected herself and cleared her throat. After all, it was her job to get people flustered. "Ah, yes. A Gryffindor's idea of a friendly stroll. It was memorable indeed. Especially the part where you decided to dump me to the lake without a warning." She playfully poked at his chest.

Max feigned innocence, his hand placed dramatically over his heart. "An unforgettable baptism, my dear." He paused for a moment, and traced his amber eyes over her features, taking in how her cheeks held a soft pink tint and a fallen leaf stuck in her dark hair. Gently, he then dragged his hand and placed it on top of Danica's hand, and dropped them to his side, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles.

Her breath hitched at the gesture. She suddenly realised just how close she was standing to him, their chests almost touching. The only sounds she could hear were the soft crunch of leaves, their breaths, and the heavy beating of her heart.

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