XIV - candy necklace

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Some say that the tea room of Padame Paddifoot creates the perfect atmosphere for a romantic first day. Others say the owner pours small doses of love potion into the tea. From many sources, the consensus is that the place is the best spot for couples in Hogsmeade.

Danica could come up with just a thousand reasons why that was a sugarcoated dirty lie as she sipped into the lukewarm tea.

"How do you like this place, Danica? My mother has wonderful taste, doesn't she?" Max flashed her his charming set of pearly whites.

"It's splendid."

The time was set in the early afternoon, two hours into their first official date. The outlook of which was dreadful.

Danica bit into her sickening lavender-infused scone as words of flirting couples flew by her ears. Her tea had long since gone cold from hours of mindlessly spent time between the pink walls.

Despite wanting to remain engaged in the conversation her mind began numbing and her eyes drifted away towards the small curtained window.

Behind it, a whole new world had opened up. Thin layers of snow covered the pathways which were stomped upon by the numerous shoe soles. Among them, a narrow path of visible footsteps was drafted towards a small bush, behind which Potter and Pettigrew were hiding.

Danica almost snorted out a laugh when she noted their gazes being attentively fixated on Lily Evans, who much like herself was on a date.

The other two members were not too far away from their infamous friends. Although the manner in which they held their hands seemed far sneakier than James and Peter's stalking.

"Dani?", Huber asked, breaking her out of her thoughts. Her skin shuddered at almost mistaking his voice for- it didn't matter because the awkwardness had already engulfed her feelings as she turned back her attention to her boyfriend.

"Sorry, I was just looking at the snow. It's very pretty." She said, trying not to avoid his eyes. "What were you saying?"

His wide smile came back on, plastered on his face as he continued his dreadful yapping about his mother. But despite not bearing a single care for what he was saying, Danica tried being more attentive.

"Oh, I was just telling you how my mother absolutely adored this place."

She internally rolled her eyes.

"Oh, did she? I didn't realize that the shop was open back in the...?"

"The 40s. Yeah, the teashop was still here, and rightfully so." He answered grinning as he sipped on his Lady Grey tea. "But I suppose even the forties had certain killjoys. That bloke, Riddle." he grumbled his name.

A kindred spirit, thought Danica. "That's... awful. Who wouldn't enjoy being here?" She said sarcastically, but Max certainly did not catch on with the way his face contorted into that of annoyance.

"Tell me about it. All he would do is spend his time at that wretched antique store while my poor mother was waiting for him here alone."

"There, there Max. Keep calm." Danica hushed his raised voice due to the ugly looks they were receiving from nearby disrupted couples.

"Sorry." He apologized with a smile." But honestly, even the name of the place is fucking weird. Summer Lane or something." He paused, before leaning forward a little. "But thankfully I'm not as boring as him, so you have nothing to worry about my dear."

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