Chapter 2

501 8 3

Monique's Pov

We headed back into the rooms and I put all the water bottles away, and took off my vest, but left my club shirt on. "Hey Monique, how did you go?" Kelly came in and asked "I loved it, and it's pretty straightforward forward" I smiled at her "That's great to hear, you seem to fit in quite nicely, just remember, everything you're doing here is strictly professional, so if any of the players talk to you, you are welcome to reply but make sure that's all you do, do not make conversation" Kelly smiled "yeah all good" I smiled hoping she didn't realize that I had kind of already broken that rule "you're more than welcome to hang around and socialize now, but not while your working" she smiled and walked off, well I guess that's a good thing if any of the players or coaches or anyone else spoke to me I can talk to them as well as long as I'm not on the job. I headed out to the water room and made my way to the room where I put my stuff and grabbed my bag. it was about 11 o'clock so I was ready to head home, I had to go through the busty locker room in order to get to the exit so I snuck my way through, trying not to interrupt anyone or anything, I squeezed in between a couple of people, and tried to avoid being in the back of cameras and stuff like that, it was so hard to do. just when I thought I had made it, someone bumped into me and knocked me into someone else "I'm sorry" I said as I gathered myself I turned to look at who I had bumped into and saw Charlie again "no worries, you're all good" he smiled at me and then continued with his interview, shit, he was doing an interview which meant that whole ordeal was on camera permanently, oh god.  I darted for the exit and ran to my car, got in, locked the doors, and released a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

I turned the car on and drove home. once I got home and unlocked the door, put my shoes on the floor, and headed upstairs to my bedroom, I took my clothes on put on my pajamas, and got into bed, releasing yet another breath I didn't know I was holding, I really needed someone to talk to about this, there's no way I'm going to be able to work here consistently without distraction, when after my first shift I'm already more distracted than I should be, and it's because of some curly-haired, brown-eyed guy who wouldn't stop looking at me. 

The next morning I got up and had a shower, I messaged my friends to see if they wanted to go get a coffee and some lunch, and they agreed so I got dressed and then watched Netflix until it was time for me to go. at about 12 o'clock I left my house to go to a small cafe in town and meet my friends for lunch. once I had arrived, none of the others were there yet so I grabbed a table and ordered myself a drink while I waited. I didn't have to wait long before they both got there "Hey Mon" they said as they approached the table, I stood up to hug them both "Hey Amy, hey Jenny" I smiled as they sat down with me. "how have you been?" I asked them "not too bad the same stuff as usual, I do have a boyfriend now though, his name is Jackson" Amy said "oh wow that's so great for you, congratulations" both myself and Jenny said, "what about you Jenny?" I asked "well I haven't got anything new for you guys today, sorry" Jenny laughed and we all rolled our eyes, she never has anything new to tell us it's like she either doesn't want to tell us or she just doesn't actually have anything new to say ever. "what about you?" Amy asked "Well she was on TV last night," Jenny said smiling "Huh?" I questioned, "How the hell did you get to go into the Carlton locker rooms after the game last night!?" Jenny asked, I didn't know that they say it until now, ughhh "Well I got a new job as a water runner for the Carlton football club, so I run on the field and give the boys water when they need it" I said, "oh my god, that is actually pretty cool, how did I not notice you at all during the game?" Jenny said "Probably cause I only went on the field when the ball was down the other end" I shrugged "Oh no wait, I do remember I saw a girl that looked a lot like you, Charlie Curnow ran into you on the boundary!" jenny said excitedly "oh aha yeah..." I said awkwardly "I'm so jealous," she said, I just laughed awkwardly, "nothing too great" I shrugged. "and then after the game you bumped into him while he was giving an interview," Jenny said again "yeah it wasn't on purpose I was just trying to leave and someone had bumped me which made me bump into him," I said matter of factly. while we were on the topic I thought I might as well bring up the problem I'm having now "Okay well, this new job, I kinda need to keep it, but I'm being distracted" I said bringing the conversation back to reality "what do you mean distracted?" Amy asked "Well said player, kept looking at me and now I can't stop thinking about him, he's become a distraction, and because of my job am not allowed to talk to him," I said "Okay, right, so you think Charlie Curnow is hot, just like every other girl in the population who knows who he is," Jenny said laughing "well no, he's just distracting, and I can't lose my job because of a silly distraction, how do I stop it?" I asked "Well you need to stop thinking about him for one, and two try and avoid him while you're at work, there isn't much else you can do unfortunately," Amy said logically "I know, I just needed someone to tell me that," I said, "I'm so jealous, you have the charlie curnows attention!" Jenny squealed "Shhhh," I said, she was quite loud and now everyone in the cafe was looking at us "so I have a week to figure out how I'm going to stop this," I said "Well I'm sure a week's break will clear your mind enough that he won't be as much of a distraction when you go back," Amy said. I thanked them for their reassurance and then said goodbye after we had eaten something and chatted a bit more. 

once I got home I got changed into my pajamas and sat down to watch some more Netflix, I was having a lazy day today, and I couldn't be bothered doing any uni work, plus it was a Sunday. about an hour or 2 later my phone rang, it was an unknown number, I answered "Hello?" I asked " hi is this Monique?" the person on the phone asked, "It is who is this?" I asked again "this is Kelly from the Carlton Football Club," she said, I sighed relieved "Hi Kelly what can I do for you?" I asked curious about why she was calling me "im calling on behalf of the Coach of the Carlton Football Club, both himself and some of his associates asked about you today, said they were very pleased with your work, that you did more than was expected of you, they asked for your background so I gave it to them, they were wondering if you would like to work more closely with the team, it seems that they have noticed that you could get along with the boys quite well, they know that youre in Uni and studying to become a Sports therapist and they would like to know if you would be open to working more hands on with the current sports therapist for our club, to help with your degree of course" she explained "oh wow, um i dont know what to say" i said "no worries dont stress, they dont want to take this job away from you either so they said during the week you can help out at the club with the current sports trainer, obviously go to classes when you need to and then on game days you can still be the water runner, but we will get you in here earlier working with the boys beforehand and then afterwards as well" she said "oh wow, this is incredible, that would be amazing, thank you so much" i said excitedly "no worries, ill see you tomorrow at 9am then" she said "no worries ill see you then" i said and hung up the phone. oh my god, that was amazing, but what am I going to do now, I will be seeing Charlie basically every day from now on... this isn't going to help my distraction.

I decided to ring my friends and get their opinion. once they answered I told them everything "oh my god, they love you!" Jenny said she was always one to get overly excited about things "i don't know what I'm going to do, ill be seeing him every day now" I said "you'll be alright, you won't be dealing with him directly only on game days by the sounds of it, he will just be in your vicinity and you need to be aware not to let him distract you" Amy said. this is why she was my best friend, yes Jenny can be helpful but she is very over dramatic and gets too excited about things, whereas Amy is logical and I love that about her "thanks guys again" I laughed, and then hung up. by now it was time for dinner so I made myself a couple of sandwiches and then watched some more Netflix. 

about 4 hours later I decided it was time for bed so I went upstairs and into bed. I checked my phone for anything important and then set my alarm for 8 am, this is going to be interesting, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.





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