Day 1 Holding hands

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It had been a while since they met. Blue was one of the few sanses that didn't treat Lust like a broken toy to be tossed around. That was the main reason why Lust had called head over heals for Blue. But... Lust wasn't sure if Blue would even feel the same way about him.

Sure Blue was everything Lust wanted in a partner, but the sense of doubt that creeped around his mind like a shadow whispered his deepest fears to him. What if Blue didn't like him back? What if Blue didn't want to be friends anymore? What if Lust really was just a simple novelty to show off to the multiverse?

But Lust tried to be optimistic, none of those options seemed real when he was with Blue. It's like that shadow had a flashlight being shined on it to keep it at bay, but when Blue had to leave for work... the monster consumed him again from the inside out. Lust tried to ignore it all at first, like a healthy normal monster who has a sound mind.

But... when he went to the freezer to grab a pint of ice cream to eat while trying not to cry at his favorite show, he can't help but break down and sob at the blueberry ice cream smiling at him in the freezer. Blue brought it over when he first visited Lust as a little surprise. Lust couldn't bring himself to eat it because it reminded him too much of Blue to even open the lid.

Blue was supposed to be coming over today but Lust knew that it probably wouldn't happen today due to his line of work. Lust tried to remain happy at Blues job but whenever he comes over Lust can't help but cry a little on the inside as he almost passes out the second he relaxes on the couch.

Not to mention all the times that Blue told him about where he could have been seriously injured or killed! It made Lust jittery knowing he couldn't do anything about it it made him tap his finger faster on the table at the thought of those two reckless gods pulling Blue around like a doll to be replaced.

Lust was snapped out of it by the oven timer going off and making him jump a little in his seat. Lust whirled around and slipped on the oven mitts Blue got him as a gift when he found out Lust baked as a hobby. And that quickly turned to distress when Blue noticed Lust baked when he was stressed or nervous which normally meant the day Blue was supposed to come back.

Lust quickly set the cookies on a cooling rack to well cool as he started to prepare the next batch of cookies. Lust got a little carried away with the new stand mixer he bought and accidentally made triple the recipe. When The original already made 24 cookies on it's own. Lust just put the cookies in the oven when he heard the doorbell ring.

"Just a minute!~" he called out in his cheery sing-song voice. He put on the timer and ran to the door thinking it was some sort of package that his brother might have ordered. But when he opened the door he saw Blue unharmed (from what he could see) and looking well rested for once. "Hey Lust! It's been a bit how have you been?" He asked the same brave happy smile Lust had known since their first meeting.

Blue smiled and walked in stopping in his tracks when he smelled a fresh aroma of cookies, Blue looked down at Lust worried and hugged him. "Lust I told you I'm fine this job isn't too bad!" Blue said trying to help make Lust more happy with how things have been going on lately.

"Blue come on you have almost died hundreds of times and you shrug each one off like it's nothing! How can I not be worried! I... go relax on the couch ok? I'll get a plate of fresh cookies I just got a batch out of the oven a few minutes before you came over." Lust said whisking himself away to the kitchen.

Lust grabbed a plate of cookies as many as he could fit onto a plate as he could without making it too unstable. He plopped it onto the coffee table along with two glasses of milk, one for him and one for Blue. Blue smiled and dunked the biggest cookie he could find into the milk and ate almost all of it in one bite.

Lust smiled and took one of the smaller cookies to eat and was a bit more careful with his. He turned on the tv so they could both laugh at a bad movie while eating cookies like they normally do. After a few minutes of channel surfing they finally found an old human movie called "Take over of the Body Switchers".

Blue relaxed further into the couch letting out a content groan as his bones finally stopped being so tense in such a familiar environment. Lust relaxed too and had a little glimpse of Blues hand laying on the couch so empty and lonely. Lust slowly started to move his hand gently towards Blues to try and hold it.

But seconds away from finally holding it the alarm for the cookies rang and Lust had to get up and take the cookies out of the oven, put them back in, set the timer, and head back to the couch to try again. And by the time Lust felt comfortable to try and make his move by holding Blues hand the timer rung again.

Lust ran back to the kitchen, he took the cookies off of the baking sheet and ran back to the couch he didn't care if there was still batter in the bowl, it could wait! Lust settled down again and slowly slid his hand to Blues waiting for the perfect moment. But then he waited, and waited and waited, he kept waiting. But he wasn't sure when the perfect moment would be.

Would there Be be a perfect moment? Maybe there wouldn't be, and he just had to take that chance. But what if... enough what ifs! Lust slid his hand the rest of the way to Blues and held it, it felt... right in a way, it felt like their hands were a perfect fit for eachother.

But Blue got ridged when Lust held his hand and seemed stiff and unsure. Which made Lust almost take his hand back before Blue swiftly clasped his hand with Lusts making sure he couldn't pull away. Lust scooted a bit closer and relaxed with Blue, eventually they both fell sleep during the movie.

1139 Words

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