Day 22 In Combat/Battle

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"Blue please we don't have to do this! I wouldn't do that to you!" Lust cried out. Blue rolled his eyes and ran at Lust bone in hand ready to strike. Lust dodged and fell back crying, trying not to lose himself and end up falling into a panic attack. Lust summoned a bone and blocked the next attack from Blue managing to dodge everything so far. "Why! Why did you have to kiss him! I thought you loved me!" Blue screamed into the night. Lust backed away trying to find somewhere to go as Blue stomped on the ground and bones shot through the ground.

A sickening crack filled the empty streets of snowdin.

Blue froze and looked up from his rage to see Lust, his boyfriend, his lover, the person he trusted the most impaled from one of Blues bones. Fear and grief filled his body as he ran forward going to catch his falling lover as the bone melted away. He was seconds late as Lusts body crashed to the ground as Blue slid to his side trying to comfort him. "Lust? Lust please don't close your eyes I'm so sorry!" Blue started crying again, not from anger, but from fear and sadness. Lust gently shifted away from Blue as he tried to pick Lust up.

"Y-you don't have to worry... a-about... me c-cheating... now..." Lust murmured, sometimes during a tough time Lust would lighten the mood with a joke. Blue started to cry even harder as his lovers inner sans side started to peak through and he still tried to refuse help from Blue. Blue scooped Lust up in his arms and ran him inside where he plopped him on the bed they slept in together and started to rapidly undress him trying to get to the wound as fast as he could before Lust was hurt even more.

Lust was almost passed out at this point barely hanging on to his life. Blue realized how close he was to almost accidentally killing his lover when he started cleaning the wound. He was about an inch maybe a bit less off from hitting Lusts soul, if Blue was any closer than Lust would have dusted before Blue even had time to run forward. Realizing how dire this really is Blue started to work faster but not too fast in a way that he might hurt Lust even more than he already did. Blue had finally finished and Lust was long since passed out.

Blue decided that he wouldn't leave Lusts side, not again, never again. And he was going to let Nightmare know what happen, honestly Blue was pretty sure Nightmare was already going to come over to check on Blue since he left in such a rush. And speak of the devil Nightmare walked through a portal and almost instantly started to siphon Blues misery. "Blue? Blue what happened." Nightmare spoke in a a gentle soft tone one that made Blue feel like everything was going to be alright. And after Blue told his boss what was going on Nightmare just had an empty vacant look in his sockets.

"I see. Well I'm going to check in every day to make sure everything is going well and no bad developments are happening. If you need me to siphon your negativity just call and I'll come right over alright? And if you need any assistance or medical supplies just call and I can help. I may not be the best but I want you to be happy." Nightmare explained. Blue just simply nodded not wanting to say anything anymore the full weight of the situation crashing down on him like a full crystal chandelier in a cartoon.

After Nightmare left and the room grew darker and deafeningly quiet Blue crawled up into the bed. He snuggled right next to his lover listening to his ragged breaths cut through the terrifying silence. The small ragged quiet breaths were all that grounded him to the earth, he listened intently not wanting to hear them stop. He froze at any moment when Lusts voice even hinted at hitching or stopping in the slightest. But aside from Lusts ragged breathing the room was nothing but still and silent.

711 Words

30 day OTP lustberryWhere stories live. Discover now