Day 21 Betrayal

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Lust and Blue were relaxing in the kitchen away from the party and the noise of it all. "Hey Blue?" Lust asked. Blue hummed in response. "I love you." Lust said. Blue smiled and kissed Lust gently, sure Blue knew Lust loved him but hearing it from him was such a treat. Especially because Blue knew that Lust hadn't had much luck in relationships before and that saying 'I love you' was a sign of full trust from Lust.

They kept snacking on things when they heard everyone start to go outside so they went as well not wanting to get left behind. They walked out and saw Nightmare standing and waiting for everyone to come outside. "Everyone thank you for coming tonight! I know it's not common for someone like me to throw a party in fear of attacks or threats like what happened earlier. But I just felt the need to celebrate for how far we have come together as a sort of community!" Nightmare announced. Blue and Lust passively listened while this was going on.

Horror came over and tapped Lust on the shoulder, Lust looked at Horror and gently held his hand. "Something wrong?" Lust asked. Horror pointed to his mouth and pointed to a more secluded section of the garden, notifying Lust that Horror wanted to talk in private. Lust nodded and followed suit sitting with Horror when they got to the private area. "Is there something you wanted to talk about Horror?" Lust asked gently. Horror shook his head and just sat there, Blue started to walk over and Dust gave a hand signal from a hidden spot.

As Blue drew closer and saw the two Horror suddenly kissed Lust causing Lust to retaliate and fall off of the pedestal they were sitting on. "What was that for!?" Lust screeched. Lust turned to Blue and was about to explain before Blue glared at him and ran off, making Lust chase after him and leaving Dust and Horror behind. Dust came out from his hiding spot and hugged Horror, but Horror didnt hug back he just stood there sad. "Oh come on big guy it's over now you don't have to worry!" Dust reassured. But Horror just looked away and left leaving a confused and sad Dust behind.

With Lust and Blue, Lust was desperately trying to keep up with Blue who had a head start on him trying to convey that he didn't love Horror anymore. "Stop lying Lust." Blue would say, that would be the only thing he said. And Lust would try and tell him over and over that Horror kissed him and it wasn't him. And he didn't even realize until Blue turned around that Lust realized that they were in Lusts AU near the house. "You really want to argue now! Fine then! Let's argue!" Blue called out enraged tears streaming down his face. And Lust was stunned he felt like he couldn't move, he was frozen in place that he had no desire to be but he had to be and he had to stay strong.

517 Words

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