Day 11 Swimming

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Lust had never seen the ocean, Blue knew that. But he wasn't just gonna take him to the ocean and expect Lust to have the most fun of his life. Lust needed to know how to swim. And that was why they were at the pool today, to teach Lust how to swim.

Lust had no interest in learning but with the promise of going to the beach if he did well at his lessons he decided that it wouldn't hurt. This all started a few weeks ago when Lust asked if the ocean was really beautiful like it was on TV. So that led to a whole day being spent looking up things about the ocean. "Lust darling I can just take you to the ocean." Blue tried to explain. "I don't know any ocean animals what if I try to pet something dangerous?" Lust responded.

Most of the day was them having mini arguments back and forth about the ocean before Lust had to log off of the computer because it was his turn to cook dinner. But right after dishes were finished Lust ran back to the bedroom and started looking up more things about the ocean. Before Blue had to physically drag him to bed so they could get to sleep.

Lust had gone down a little rabbit hole that day and came out of it the next day kind of just forgetting about the whole ordeal. But unfortunately Blue didn't. Blue remembered that comment and for the next few weeks he had been trying to convince Lust that going to the beach was going to be fun. Eventually Lust agreed and decided to take a month of swimming lessons in an opposite AU.

Not a swap AU like one that Blue was from, but it was switched where humans had lost the war and monsters were the ones who ruled the surface. Blue liked it in those AU's better because it made him feel more comfortable about the surface that his world never got to have. Lust didn't really care and only just followed along half heartedly until he saw Blue with his swimwear on.

Now sure Lust had seen his partner naked almost every day, they slept in the same bed after all. But seeing Blue like this, like a hot lifeguard in a teen movie mainly set on the beach? Lust was loving every second of it. Blue of course helped Lust keep afloat, shows him how to do some basic swim techniques and even took him to the wave pool to show him how to float around in the waves without getting hurt. Over all it was a nice simple, day.

The next month or so was pretty much a rinse and repeat of that day until Lust could freely swim on his own. But unfortunately the beach trip would have to wait since Blue had got a new job as a delivery person across the multiverse. But Lust could care less about that because he knew it would happen soon.

509 Words

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