Day 23 Arguing

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A day passed.

Blue still wouldn't leave Lusts side. Even if he did it was only for about 5 or so minutes until he ran back. Or if he had to be gone for longer periods of time like when he had to go get food he would keep a baby monitor with him at all times so he could listen to Lust if anything went wrong. Nightmare came by periodically to check on Blue and to absorb his excess emotions and to help him sleep at night.

A week passed.

Blue was starting to get more and more worried by the minute the last thing he needed was for something to go wrong in any way or for someone to distract him. But... that's when Ink comes in. Blue was trying to keep his cool and not freak out about almost killing his boyfriend for the 6th time that day when he heard something form at the foot of the bed. "Nightmare I appreciate you checking on me but I'm fine." Blue said automatically. "Blue come on we can go save Dream!" A familiar voice chided.

Blue turned around to be faced with Ink. "What. Are. You. Doing. In. My. House." Blue snarled. Ink stepped back arms up in a I come in peace position. "I just thought that after what you saw at the party you might want to come back to the side of good!" Ink tried to suede. Blue scoffed and rolled his eyelights, obviously annoyed. "Why would I ever want to help the people who almost made my boyfriend have a breakdown?" Blue scoffed. Ink fell silent his sentence dying on his lips, he tried to get closer but Blue reached to the nightstand.

"Get any closer and I'll spray you." Blue threatened. Ink backed off and stayed there watching but never moving almost like an uncanny statue. "If you don't leave I'll call Nightmare and I'll have him take you to where you'll see your boyfriend again." Blue growled.

"Blue please"

"I'm never going to join you again Ink."

"I don't understand why Blue! We were the good guys!"

"And ignoring the AUs that actually needed our help was us being the good guys? Grow up Ink."

"Blue please think about what these guys are doing!"

"They do more good than harm now get out."

"Blue I'm begging you!"

Blue unscrewed a bottle and threw it at Ink causing it to splatter all over him and for him to scream in agony as the paint thinner slowly ate away at his bones. "Consider this payback for what you did to me all of those years." Blue remarked. Moments later Nightmare appeared to take Ink into the dungeon to properly take care of him leaving Blue alone again. Lust nuzzled into Blues side silently asking for more attention on him and less anger towards Ink. Of course Blue obliged and nuzzled into his lover. "I'm so sorry Lust I'm so sorry... I'll never do this again... I'm so sorry..." Blue weeped into Lusts side.

But Lust didn't answer.

513 Words

30 day OTP lustberryWhere stories live. Discover now