Day 14 jelousy

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Blue had been having to go on mission with Nightmare and his gang more and more which meant he had to leave Lust behind. But unlike how it was with Ink and the worse version of scp 999, Blue actually got to take breaks and want just thrown at the nearest alphys to heal him. They actually took care of him when he got hurt.

But what's more, when they accidentally left him behind in an AU that fell apart and he was stuck in the anti void they didn't just leave him. They went looking for him and Blue was surprised by their reactions when they found him. "You... looked? I didn't know you guys would come and look for me?" Blue asked. Cross and Killer (who were obviously dating and doing a terrible job at hiding it) they kind of just stood there looking at blue like he was crazy.

"What?" Killer managed to ask. "I thought you were just gonna leave me until Error found me, or until you remembered that I existed." Blue said simply. "Why would we do that? Blue your part of the team we wouldn't just leave you to die we've been looking for hours!" Cross exclaimed. That experience for Blue was fully eye opening, along with learning that Horror used to date Lust before he started dating Dust.

"Wait wait wait, let me get this right, you dated Lust?" Blue asked. Horror smiled and nodded he wasn't the biggest talker but when he did it was nice to hear it. "Somethin' th' matter..?" Horror rumbled. "W-well uh... there's one little thought you might like to know about me, I'm actually dating Lust right now." Blue said. Horror blinked, he sat back in his chair and let out a deep contented sigh. "Good... he's in good hands..." Horror chuckled.

Blue smiled and began to talk about Lust and how he had met Lust again after their fateful meeting at the Christmas party. Blue had been lucky on one of his first times being left in a dying AU and was spit into a random one. This was an Underlust variant that was a bit more tame and laid back. Blue was unconscious in the snow until Lust found him and brought him inside to nurse him back to health. And after that they got to know eachother a little more. Blue started to meet up with Lust every time he could and eventually they started dating.

Of course Killer just happened to be listening in on that conversation and told everyone about Blues and Lusts relationship which was supposed to be a secret. And of course it got to Nightmare, his boss, although Nightmare didn't seem that fazed by it. He did call Blue into his office but it was just to check if Blue had any STD's he should know about. Blue reassured him that he and Lust had never gotten that far before and that he made it clear that he wasn't ready for that yet which was fine by Lust.

After a while the mansion became his second home, with Lusts house being the first of course. But as he watched Dust and Horror cuddle together as Dust snuggled deeper into Horror his frame relaxing as he drifts to sleep. And the way Killer and Cross flirt in battle and... we'll pretty much anywhere they could flirt they would. Although Killer was mainly the one who flirted and Cross just turned into a grape as Killer said the dumbest pick up lines that Lust wouldn't even dare to use.

But seeing everyone with their partner made him... angry in a way. He didn't want to feel that way, but after a while he realized what he was feeling. Blue was feeling jealous of all of the couples getting to spend time together but he wasn't able to spend time with his partner. He was angry and jealous he wanted Lust to be here, he wanted to bake and cuddle with him. He wanted to have those special moments all the time again but he couldn't. He wanted to but he couldn't. And so he just simply sat there thinking about Lust.

702 Words

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