Day 10 First Pet

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It had been a week since Blue quit the Star Sanses but Ink and Dream were still paying him regularly probably hoping to get him back. Blue had started to focus more on Lust and their relationship together. Blue got better at cooking day by day after Lust gave him advice on starting with simple dishes first.

Blue and Lust have also been having longer cuddle sessions and more conversations that can go a deeper length than they did before. Lust was also a lot happier since his boyfriend was around more often. "Hey Baby? I'm heading out wanna come with!" Lust called up the stairs. In seconds Blue was bounding down the stairs and holding Lust in his arms.

Blue and Lust had also gotten more comfortable with using pet names on each other, but nothing too crazy just simple stuff like 'sweetie' 'honey' 'babe' 'darling' 'baby' and the like. Today they were heading to the market. Blue put on his boots and followed Lust through snowdin till they got to the market that was hosted every Saturday.

Of course the market sold things that were all too common in Lusts AU that Blue still wasn't fully used to. They were getting some fresh vegetables and some other miscellaneous items that Lust had written down. Blue mainly picked out the other items that were on the list while Lust picked out the vegetables. Each AU has similar fruits and vegetables but each one has its own slight differences when it comes to ripe produce. I'm Blues AU the fruit is ripe when the color is nice and bright and it doesn't feel too hard when you squeeze it.

But In Underlust it's completely different, the vegetables have to be tested a certain way before someone knows that their ripe. Blue is not good at telling if the food is ripe, one time he brought home an entire bag of unripe or over ripe produce that Lust had to throw away. After that Blue wasnt allowed to buy produce anymore. So Blue was stuck to buying the other random items on the list, and first up was a new pan because when Blue was washing it the handle fell off.

Lust said that it was ok but Blue knew that it really wasn't. So Blue got a new pan and it was one of the best ones someone could buy he even got the handle in Lusts favorite shade of purple. Blue then went to the next stall to browse around and try to find salt and pepper shakers. He was stuck between two pairs and decided to get both just for the heck of it. He decided to head back to Lust but he was nowhere to be seen, so Blue went looking around the market for him. But when he found Lust he saw him in a place he never would have guessed, the pet stall.

"Lust?" Blue asked. Lust jumped and turned to Blue. "Oh Blue! I didn't see you there you startled me!" Lust explained. Blue kisses his cheek and hugged him. "Which one were you looking at?" Blue asked. Lust flushed and looked away. "I was looking at the Shiba, he's just so cute I couldn't help it." Lust said. Blue chuckled and took Lust home but he couldn't stop thinking about it. So he decided, he was going to get his boyfriend a dog!

"Hey Lust I'm going out I forgot something on the list and I'm gonna go pick up some Grillbys for dinner!" Blue called. Lust gave a thumbs up from the couch and Blues mission began. He got to the market and made his way to the pet stall where he bought a Shiba that had a beautiful black fur color to him. Blue took the new dog to the pet store and bought some of the best reviewed puppy products.

Blue made his way to another universes Grillbys to pick up the food and finally he headed home. When he got back Lust was just about to put his coat on when Blue walked through the door. "I thought you got lost! You've been gone for hours!" Lust said trying not to cry. Blue took Lust over to the couch and gave him the dog crate.

"I-is this?" Lust asked. Blue smiled and nodded, Lust opened the crate and saw the pretty little Shiba waiting to be freed. Lust hugged the Shiba tightly and smiled happily. "I'm gonna name you toast!" Lust cried out in joy. Blue laughed and showed Lust all of the toys and treats he bought for the new puppy. "You know... this is my first pet. I'll take the best care of him!" Lust decided.

Blue laughed and hugged Lust tightly with Toast joining in and licking their faces before trying to eat their food.

810 Words

30 day OTP lustberryWhere stories live. Discover now