Day 7 Third Wheel

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And when he opened it it was...

"Big bro!" Lusts Papyrus squealed. He hugged Lust tighter than Blue and walked in. "How have you been? I heard you have a new little boy toy~." Lusts Papyrus (for the rest of this we'll call him Lapis) cooed. Blue blushed at being called a 'boy toy' and Lust had a similar reaction to it.

"Well hi, I'm Blue and I'm the 'boy toy' nice to meet you." Blue said politely. Lapis' head snapped towards Blue and he instantly ran to him and punched Blues cheeks. "Aren't you just precious! I knew my brother was into strong types but I didn't think he meant... oh what are they called in other worlds again?" Lapis muttered to himself trying to remember.

"Oh I'm not a Royal Guard anymore I'm one of the Star Sanses." Blue corrected. Lapis gasped dramatically and started fawning over Blue, not really caring how he or his brother felt about the sudden intrusion. "Well it's neat for you to come over Pap's but me and my boyfriend have errands to do today." Lust tried.

Lapis just patted his brothers back and started helping himself to some food. "Since your going on some errands why don't I tag along? Get to know your little boyfriend." Lapis said. Blue glanced at Lust pleadingly but Lust could only shrug and give an apologetic look. And so after a very uncomfortable breakfast they went to the market.

Awkward didn't even begin to describe how it felt to be with Lapis. Every time Lust and Blue tried to have a cute moment together Lapis would bud in and make it super awkward almost like he was trying to break the two apart. Lust and Blue managed to get through most of their shopping done without too much crap from Lapis. But there were still the times when it got annoying.

But it got really bad when Lust had to go into a store on his own and Blue was left alone with Lapis, who promptly shoved Blue into the nearest wall and threatened him. "Listen little star, my brother has been through enough and doesn't need any more heartbreaks got it? So if you dare even try to break his heart I'll kill you!" Lapis spat.

And just as he finished that sentence someone tapped on his shoulder. And who else would it be other than Lust, who just happened to hear everything when he saw his boyfriend get slammed into a wall by his brother infront of the shops window. "Let my boyfriend go Papyrus." Lust growled.

Lapis let Blue go in surprise and spun around to face his brother and then he tried to act all innocent. "I don't want to hear it! I was accepting when you and Mettaton got together! And I even agreed to be your best man at your wedding! But if you don't leave my boyfriend alone I'm not coming and don't expect me to contact you ever again." Lust said.

Lapis was shocked, he just stood there a surprised expression on his face. Lust grabbed Blue and took him to the next store and made sure not to leave him alone again. "I'm sorry for my brother." Lust said sorrowfully. Blue kisses his cheek and nuzzled him. "My brother would have acted the same, I wonder how he's doing..." Blue murmured.

Lust was about to ask something when Lapis walked in and started to apologize, "Listen I-" he started. Lust cut him off. "Listen I'll still come to the wedding just don't threaten my boyfriend ever again got it?" Lust said. Lapis nodded and hugged his brother and hugged Blue in a non threatening manner.

After the excitement of the market Blue and Lust decided to head home to get some alone time. Which ended up in Lust baking most of the day to get his anger out about his brother interrupting their together time. Blue mainly just talked about random topics that he knew Lust liked to make his boyfriend feel better.

After all of the baking the two settled down on the couch with an assortment of treats and turned on another old cheesy human movie. This one was in color but it was still pretty bad, they were just having some good quality time with each other after the disaster of their market visit.

730 Words

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