Day 4 Date

48 3 11

Blue had been gone for over a month almost two at this point and Lust knew he was getting fed up with Dream and Ink constantly pushing him around the AUs. And Lust was stuck in his own little world again thinking of all of the wonderful things they could do together as a couple.

Although it probably wouldn't happen and they were merely just friends who cuddled and held hands. Friends with benefits was the generalized term for it anyways. Lust was on a cleaning rampage because sure he was a sans being lazy was in his code but he also learned that hard work was the way to go from a young age. And he constantly reminded himself that just because he was a sans didn't give him an excuse to be a lazy slob all of the time.

And so here he was on a cleaning spree, cleaning the house head to toe as if there was a dangerous plague that was spreading through the underground. Mopping the floors, washing the windows, doing the dishes, vacuuming, and unfortunately cleaning the bathrooms. Lust ran around the house with various cleaning supplies like a maniac trying to get the place spotless.

He decided to take a little break and relax on the couch when a portal appeared in the living room and Blue stepped out looking like he had just been tossed through several wars at once. He stumbled around before finally flopping onto the couch and passing out the second his bones touched the soft worn fabric of the sofa.

Lust scooted to him as fast as he could to check on him. Lust despite being a short king was still very strong and carried Blue up the stairs almost effortlessly. Blue was then taken out of his clothes and the damage was being assessed. Broken ribs, spider-web fractures around his arms and large gruesome cracks around his eye sockets.

Lust went to the bathroom to get the med kit and when he came back he found Dream trying to pick him up. "OI! Leave him alone you over sized dandelion!" Lust shouted. Dream flinched and snapped his attention to Lust blinking in surprise as if he's never been shouted at before. "I'm sorry but this ain't the place for you to be intercepting." Dream said curtly. "Like hell it's not! He's my boyfriend and I'm going to be taking care of him! He came to my place not yours so that says a lot about who he trusts more!" Lust berated the yellow guardian.

"And another thing! If you and that soulless freak don't start giving him more breaks I'm gonna make you feel the pain I had to go through when I was just a teenager and getting injected with that stupid serum! I'll shove an entire underground's worth of lust serum down your throat if you don't start giving him more breaks! You hear me you lemon drop looking jerk!" Lust screeched at Dream.

Dream slowly walks back through the portal and closed it the second he was through not wanting to deal with an angry Lust who would probably keep his word of Dream did anything. And with Dream out of the way Lust focused his attention on Blue so he could properly take care of him.

Lust started with wrapping the broken ribs in gauze and cotton pads before wrapping it up with the bandages doing the same for the arm. Lust then used a very sticky goop to seal up the cracks in Blues socket before putting an oversized soft dress over Blue to keep him a bit more warm and to keep the bandages out of the elements.

Many days went by and Lust tended to Blues every need, making sure he got new bandages, making sure he drank water and ate his food, changing his clothes, bathing him every now and then as well just to make sure nothing went wrong. And about a week in Blue finally woke up, but it was when Lust was changing his bandages.

Blue sat up quickly as if he had just been poked in the back with a burning metal rod and panting like he had just ran a marathon in a minute. "Blue? Blue calm down relax it's just me." Lust reassured gently holding Blues hand. Blues breathing slowed until it was shaky but stable enough for him to relax.

"D-dream..." Blue muttered. Lust scoffed and kept doing Blues bandages. "I scared off that chewed piece of lemon gum when he tried to take you away when you were still in really bad condition." Lust explained. Blue gently laughed at Lusts phrasing and felt like he was at home more than he ever felt with his papyrus.

Over the next few weeks Lust didn't let Blue out of his sight, even when Lust was cooking dinner Blue was always on the side cutting vegetables or telling a silly story of something that happened to him while on patrol. Lust always loved it when Blue told his silly little stories. But when Blue was well enough again Lust expected to wake up to an empty bed, and empty kitchen, and most expected and empty house with the sad echo of loneliness.

But when Blue got better he don't leave right away, he didn't even leave at all. He stayed and while Lust did wake up to an empty bed he also woke up to a delicious smell wafting throughout the house from the kitchen. Lust loosely threw on a fluffy robe as he went down to the kitchen and saw Blue preoccupied with something else.

Lust flipped the bacon with a large satisfying splattering sizzle on the skillet. Blue perked up and hugged Lust from behind a laugh escaping his lips. "I was going to try and surprise you with breakfast!" Blue laughed. "Yes well your surprise would have ended up burnt if it wasn't for me so your welcome." Lust responded.

As they sat down for breakfast Lust was munching on an almost burt peice of bacon that he had saved when Blue spoke. "Lust, I know we've known eachother for a while and I wanted to ask... w-would you... would... I-I... would you like... wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme!" Blue blurted out.

It took Lust a few seconds to register the incoherent blabber that Blue had just spat out before he clasped his hands over his mouth as he gasped and rapidly nodded his head. "Yes! Oh my Toby yes! I would love to go on a date with you Blue! I would happily do so any day!" Lust squealed in happiness.

And so their first date was going to be at another universes Grillbys because Blue still didn't feel comfortable with the one in Lusts universe. They agreed to dress casually so they wouldn't draw too much attention to themselves but Lust took that as a challenge. Blue was relaxing at the bar eating some of the chips the Grillby had left out.

When the door slammed open and Lust walked in wearing a feather boa, a bright neon shirt that could light up a while room, nice looking pants, fingerless gloves and bright pink heart sunglasses. Blues mouth dropped open at the sight of Lust, Blue knew that Lust was a little extra but he didn't expect for Lust to show up dressed up like he was going to a rave after.

Lust sat next to Blue and they both got talking about random things that came to mind not really caring where the conversation took them only caring about not talking about too wildly inappropriate topics for a first date. They ordered two burgers and a chocolate strawberry milkshake to share. And as the wind outside grew stronger and the snow faster and heavier, the only thing that grew inside was the love Lust and Blue had for eachother and the shared hate of Dream and Ink intruding on their business.

1333 Words

30 day OTP lustberryWhere stories live. Discover now