Day 24 Selfie

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Blue couldn't remember the last time he ate a decent meal, or when he last had a good nights sleep. And right now he didn't care all he needed to do was to look after Lust nothing else mattered, and nothing else needed to matter. Lust was all that needed to be taken care of and Blue might have taken it a little too far. But he was too lost in his mind looking at a framed picture on Lusts nightstand, a selfie of them at a carnival on their third date, it was just after they rode the biggest roller coaster Lust could find and forced Blue on.

But and Lust we're still on a bit of a rocky side in their relationship not sure if it would fully work yet. Lust had mentioned always wanting to go to a carnival but had never had the chance because all of the carnivals in his AU shut down before he was even tall enough to ride on the carousel. So as a little surprise Blue took Lust on a date to a carnival, he was also hoping to earn a kiss on the cheek or if he was lucky on the lips. "Blue! You didn't have to do this! I love it so much thank you thank you!" Lust squealed. Blue laughed and took Lust on some of the more tame rides first.

"Lust I don't know if your ready for the roller coasters yet..." Blue said cautiously. Lust simply scoffed and dragged Blue into the line for the biggest roller coaster they could find so Blue could face his fears and Lust could have an adrenaline rush. After they got off of the coaster Blue was glad he hadn't eaten anything yet, after he was feeling a bit better Lust pulled him close and took a selfie with him. As Blue replayed the memory in his head over and over he started crying harder and harder tears falling onto the photo.

"I'm the worst boyfriend ever..." Blue cried. Blue curled up into a ball and went over all of the memories they had together, all of the smiles, the fights, the burnt food, the cheesy movies, the date nights, all of it came rushing to him. "I don't even deserve to be here... I ruined everything." Blue sobbed into the pillow. But then an idea came to him, what if he went to Lust? What if he died as well and he could meet Lust in the after life and they could be happy again and wouldn't have to worry!

But as Blue started to get up from the bed he heard a mumble. "Blue... get back to bed... to early..." Lust muttered. Blue stopped and turned his head to Lust tears falling freely again. "Lust..?" Blue asked softly not wanting to ruin the delicate moment. Lust slowly sat up rubbing his eyes looking dazed and confused. "Blue..? What happened... I remember that you got mad and... the bones... you stabbed me... how long have I been out?" Lust asked finally looking at Blue, but almost instantly jumped back at his lover's disheveled appearance.

"B-Blue? Blue baby what happened? When was the last time you slept or ate?" Lust asked. Blue held Lusts worried hand close to his face soaking in all of the touch from his now awake lover that he could get. "That doesn't matter now Lust what matters is that your awake and safe and I completely understand if you want to leave me because of what I did." Blue said that gentle smile  that he always wore when Lust was worried on his face. "Blue I understand you were angry and I'm... im not going to leave you. But right now you need to take care of yourself you look like you haven't eaten in days or slept for that matter and you alright?" Lust asked.

Blues sockets were half lidded from all of the excitement tiring him out. He slowly relaxed into Lusts arms and started snoring softly like he used to when he would come back from long missions when he was still with the star sanses. Lust lied him down and covered him in his favorite blanket making sure he was warm and going over the events of that night in his mind over and over. He still didn't know why Horror did that but Lust knew he was going to find out eventually. But right now he needed to take care of Blue because he looked terrible and needed help. Lust kissed Blues forehead and went to go make some food.

771 Words

30 day OTP lustberryWhere stories live. Discover now