Day 25 Staring Into Eachothers Eyes

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Lust had only woken up about an hour ago and he already felt like he needed to deep clean the entire house and he had barely seen downstairs yet. And he wasn't going to play dumb either, he remembered what happened and it seemed that Blue almost died from heartbreak after what happened. And that left Lust worried, he knew that Blue loved him even if he did something like what he did to Lust that night. But that left another seedling of a question in Lusts mind, what would happen if Lust had dusted? Would Blue have followed him and taken his own life?

Lust shook his head trying to get rid of the thought from his mind, now was not the time to be thinking about those morbid questions. Now was a time to take it easy and let Blue rest since he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks, and from the look of it hasn't eaten in longer. Lust didn't want his boyfriend to worry anymore, and he decided that he wasn't going to break up with Blue. Blue was a good person Lust knew that all too well, but with how the people around him like the golden melted crayon or ink... it made Lust understand why Blue reacted like he did.

Lust was snapped out of his thoughts by his stomach growling and reminding him of the task he went downstairs to do, make breakfast. Lust pulled out his phone, and he ordered from another universe he was too tired to make fresh breakfast right now anyways. The food got there pretty quickly and so Lust went upstairs to try and get Blue to eat something. He sat on the bed and shook Blue trying to wake him up, Blue slowly woke up and sat up looking at Lust his eyes fuzzy and unfocused.

"Blue darling wake up I got food and some coffee." Lust said. Blue looked a bit more awake at the mention of coffee so Lust handed that to him first. Without warning Blue snatched the coffee from Lusts hands and chugged it and within seconds the cup was empty. Lust just blinked in disbelief and laughed, he forgot how ravenous Blue could be for a good cup of coffee in the morning. Lust handed Blue some morning pastries and started to eat his while Blue was just looking at the donut like he was in a dream of some sort. "You ok Blue?" Lust asked.

"Y-yeah... yeah I'm fine... just... doesn't feel real... like I shouldn't be here with you." Blue muttered. Lust couldn't help but feel bad, even if Blue had stabbed him and put him in a coma he didn't mean to, from the looks of it Blue hadn't slept or eaten properly in weeks. "Just take it slow Blue I'm worried about you." Lust explained. Blue nodded and started eating his donut a smile slowly creeped onto his face. And as Lust looked to Blue they looked into each others eyes. The world seemed to stop as they finally relaxed, a smile staying on their faces as they eat.

Blues eyes start to blur around the edges again as it's clear that the burst of energy that the coffee gave him was starting to wear off. Lust laid him down and held his hand until he fell asleep, eventually Lust laid down next to him and started to think of all of the things they used to do together. Lust slowly drifted to sleep next to his lover as they both finally relaxed.

597 Words

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