Day 12 Christmas

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Lust has fond memories of the Christmas parties that Blue used to host before he joined the Stars. And when Lust found out that Blue has either been recovering, too tired, or has been in the middle of a mission when Christmas came around Lust was shocked.

So with Blues new job Lust took it upon himself to get the house looking as festive as he could on the inside. Christmas in his AU wasn't exactly the biggest thing, most people skipped it or didn't even think about it. Lust mainly grew up without Christmas but still found the time magical in its own way. But now that Blue, a sans who was known for his love of Christmas is his boyfriend he's going to be doing the best he can.

Which meant going to an AU where Christmas is one of the biggest holidays, a classic AU. Lust had heard about how strange it was seeing everyone you live in their true form but seeing it was surreal. Sure Lust had met Classic on occasion but he, just like everyone else mainly just avoided Lust. But today, everyone still avoided him like the plague.

He bought all of the Christmas stuff he could and started to decorate the house, he couldn't wait for Blue to see it! And so Lust got to baking some Holliday treats that Blue used to serve at his parties. And when Blue got home it was everything Lust had hoped it to be. But Blue seemed a little out of it. "Blue? Hey hey are you feeling alright? You look tired." Lust comforted sitting his boyfriend down on the couch.

"Sorry Lust I'm just really tired after work today I forgot how exhausting it can be." Blue explained. "It must be exhausting hoping from universe to universe all day, plus with all of the crazy customers you have to put up with." Lust said. Blue nodded simply and relaxed in his lovers arms.

Over the next weeks before Christmas Blue gave Lust some pointers on how to make things look better or more festive for Christmas. And even when Blue was exhausted he would still give small pointers and little traditions that he used to do before he left. Blue doesn't really talk about his past, he always says that he doesn't want to bore Lust with it. Or that he doesn't want Lust to be bummed out that he and his Papyrus had a bad relationship.

But even with all of that Lust still wanted Blue to talk about it because bottling up emotions is not a healthy thing to do. But even with encouragement Lust doesn't convince him to open up. And it's Christmas Eve, it seemed like before Lust even knew it the day that he was anxiously awaiting to spend with his boyfriend was here. Lust woke Blue up early this morning eager to show his boyfriend the gifts he got him.

But before they dig into the large pile of gifts Lust made Blues favorite breakfast in the whole world. Cinnamon rolls with a sweet caramel pecan sauce underneath, Blue was trying to eat them all last night but Lust wouldn't let him. After their way to sugary yet delicious breakfast their attention was drawn to the tree where- "TOAST! No no no! Bad boy bad boy!" Lust yelled.

Lust ran to the tree and desperately dragged their puppy Toast away from the tree before he destroyed more of the gifts. Blue laughed and sat down with Lust and a squirming Toast in his lap. Gift after gift after gift was opened, and all started with 'I wonder what this is gonna be' and ended with kissed and hugs from each other.

After all the gifts were opened Lust kissed Blue almost as passionately as he did after their first date. It was wonderful and magical and it felt like no matter what happened, they would always be together no matter what.

663 Words

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