Day 20 Dancing

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"Lust hurry up we're going to be late for the ball!" Blue called. Lust ran down the stairs and almost fell down it if Blue hadn't been able to catch him. "Hey don't hurt yourself!" Blue exclaimed as they rushed through the portal and were met with a lavish ball room. Lust stopped in his tracks and just stood there frozen, as if he was paused and couldn't move. Blue gently guided him to the dance floor as more and more guests started to flood in from all over.

But there was one that Blue wasn't expecting to talk to them, Error. While he's Blue had interacted with the destroyer before their meetings were somewhat brief and quick an awkward feeling following both of them when they saw eachother. "Why hello Blue it's good to see that your boyfriend isn't sobbing over your doll anymore." Error said smugly. Blue gave a confused look and Error explained that Lust had payed him to make a doll of Blue since he started the new job with Nightmare at that time.

Blue simply smiled in response and kissed Lusts cheek and held him close. "Thanks for letting me know I'm glad you didn't destroy him." Blue said. Error huffed and walked away leaving the two love birds alone. Dust mainly stayed away from all of the people while Horror went around offering food he had cooked earlier that day. Which some of it Blue helped out with and by some miracle didn't burn a single piece of it. Cross was mingling with the guests and making them feel welcome, Killer was being Killer and was off somewhere probably planning a prank.

And Nightmare himself was watching it all unfold from his throne happy that this large room could finally be put to use. Cross got to a pair of guests wearing masquerade masks and went up to them. "Excuse me I'm sorry to interrupt but you can't wear those this is a no mask party." Cross explained curtly. The strangers pushed Cross to the ground and the smaller one held him down. The masks flew off and it was Ink and Dream trying to ruin the party and bring Nightmare down once and for all.

"Hey sun vomit and artists block leave here now!" Blue screamed. Dream simply rolled his eyes and kept pinning people down onto the ground. But he didn't see Lust sneaking behind him, or at least in time for him to block Lust from jumping on his back and bringing him down to the ground. Ink disappeared into one of his puddles and left Dream to fend for himself. Dream tried to throw Lust off of his back but was shoved back down by one of Nightmares phalanges. Killer soon emerged from the shadows and dragged Dream, who was kicking, screaming and over all throwing a hissy fit, into the shadows where his screams and threats were gone.

The party tried to continue as normal but with the little attack from the stars it was a little hard. But after a while the party kicked back into full swing and it was perfect, great music delicious food and the atmosphere was over all amazing. The party went on with lively fun music for a while until the music started to slow and it was time for the slow dances to begin. Blue grabbed Lust and pulled him close slowly stepping to the beat of the music and doing the waltz. 1,2,3 1,2,3, 1,2,3, everything fell into a small soft comfortable rhythm.

As the party died down Blue and Lust decided to head to the kitchen and relax for a while away from the party and to get some more food.

621 Words

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