Day 9 Hanging Out With Friends

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Well this was the day Lust was dreading, having to hang out with Ink and the radioactive yellow jellybean of a skeleton. Blue assured him it would be fine and that Ink and Dream were pretty much like his family at this point. Lust gave him the benefit of the doubt but he still hated them because they made Blue work so much and they made him over work.

But this time before going out in public Blue made sure that Lusts clothing wouldn't blind everyone they came across. Lust was currently on his third time changing and was running out of what he considered decent clothes. Blue came up annoyed that Lust was taking so long and gave Lust some lounge wear that would look nice on him.

Lust grumbled and tossed it on not really liking the frumpy look it gave him. "Lust come on we need to get going or Ink and Dream are gonna think we're not coming." Blue urged. "I don't want to go..." Lust grumbled. Blue sighed and kissed Lust. "I'll let you brink the paint thinner if you like, you can use it on Ink if he tries anything ok?" Blue compromised. "Can I also bring the Apple juice?" Lust asked. Blue sighed and nodded heading downstairs.

On one of the times when Dream had broken into the house looking for Blue, Lust had grabbed the closest thing to him, a bottle of apple juice, and chucked it at him. When Dream saw the bottle of apple juice he screamed bloody murder and ran away like he just witnessed a murder. Blue and Lust were both fairly confused but Lust was glad he found another kind of repellent.

But of course the dreaded day came when Blue had to formally introduce Lust to Ink and Dream even if Lust went kicking and scream king every step of the way. And so Lust followed Blue through a portal and was faced with Ink and Dream, who didn't look all that pleased to see him.

Lust mainly stayed silent while Ink, Blue, and Dream were catching up only saying the bare minimum when Blue nudged his shoulder. Dream and Ink mainly talked with Blue as they hung out like they were old friends meeting for the first time in years while Lust mainly followed from behind and looked at things he found interesting.

Blue brought up a topic Lust really liked, and he tried to talk about it but Dream and Ink drowned him out before Lust could even finish his sentence. He decided that he would just hang out somewhere and wait till the others were done so he could head home with Blue. Lust headed over to a nearby gazebo and started to play a random game on his phone.

An hour passed and Blue still hadn't contacted him, Lust's inner voices started to pipe up for the first time in a while. What if he wants to stay with them? What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore? What if he's tired of me? What if Dream and Ink could take better care of him then I ever could? Lust was snapped out of his thoughts by Dream.

"Hey, I wanted to let you know that Blues going to be staying with us from now on, he told me he wants to take a break from your relationship." Dream said. Lust started to shake as tears pricked his eyes and he could feel his vision start to get cloudy. Lust was about to stand up so he could use the gift communicator Blue got him to make a portal home when Blue came running in and punched Dream in the face and he was fuming.

"Listen here you expired bottle of mustard!" Blue screamed. "I don't know why your trying to break me and my boyfriend up but it's not gonna happen!" Blue said. He hugged Lust and kissed him passionately. "And if you don't like it then I quit! Go hire another Blue variant that is tired with his current life!" Blue snarled at them.

Blue took Lust back home and turned on a cheesy old movie while he cooked, not normally Lust would intervene but tonight he didn't care he just wanted to watch a silly old movie. Blue made sure Lust was happy, he gave Lust almost all of his favorite things, his fluffy blanket, his shiba-inu plush, and his lavender oil that Blue had gotten used to.

The only thing missing was Blue and he was cooking but Lust didn't mind. He let Blue cook, and he listened to the panic scream from Blue when something caught on fire. Lust paused the movie to go and grab the fire extinguisher to put it out and he helped Blue order dinner from another worlds Grillbys. And other than Dream trying to manipulate them the day ended on a pretty good note.

825 Words

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