Day 18 Favorite Spot

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Lust had woken up expecting an empty bed like every morning only to be met with his boyfriend laying next to him. And of course Lust fell out of bed with a shout and landed on the ice cold wood floors. And in turn that woke up Blue who went to check is Lust was ok and not dead. "W-what are you doing home!?" Lust exclaimed. "Boss let me have the week off since the stars haven't been as active lately so he doesn't need as many people." Blue explained.

Lust sighed in relief and hugged his boyfriend tightly, never wanting to let go and only wanting to stay close to him the entire day. "Hey Blue?" Lust said. Blue gave a small hum In response waiting for Lust to continue. "I have an idea on what we can do for the week but you might not like it." Lust explained cautiously. "If your thinking about going to the club then no Lust I've made it clear I don't want to do any of that." Blue said.

"It's not that... I was thinking... we could go visit your AU?" Lust suggested. Blue stiffened and his grip of Lust loosened almost instantly. "Why?" Blue asked quietly, so quiet that Lust almost didn't hear him. "Well you've met my Paps a good amount of times so I thought we could go see your Paps." Lust said simply. The room fell silent, it was almost deafening and that worried Lust. "Blue. We don't have to go if you don't want to. We can just stay here today and find little things to do together." Lust suggested.

"No. It's ok Lust I need to face my fears anyways. Let's go to my AU I think it's high time you meet my Paps. And please don't dress too flashy." Blue said sounding a bit wary. Lust didn't put up a fight and wore a nice lavender purple hoodie with some blue sweatpants. When Lust came down he saw Blue looking around nervously like he was about to go into war. Lust ran to him and held his hand tightly making sure Blue knew that he wasn't alone in this and that he would be there every step of the way.

Blue gave Lust a smile and opened the portal, they stepped through and were faced infront of a house a lot like the one you would see in a classic time line. Blue slowly walked up to the door and hesitated. He started to back away but Lust held his hand tighter, making sure that Blue wouldn't leave. Blue finally got the courage and knocked on the door making it a bit louder than it should have. Blue waited at the door and for a minute no one opened the door. "Ok I don't think anyone's home let's go!" Blue rushed.

But it was just his luck that the door opened seconds after Blue started to turn around to leave. "Sans?" Blue's Papyrus asked. Blue cringed at the old name and slowly came to look at his Papyrus. "Hey Paps... how have you been? Chose a multiversal nickname yet?" Blue asked awkwardly. "Yep... it's uh... Carrot." Carrot replied. Blue nodded and looked away again looking almost like he was going to cry. "Blue? Blue baby it's ok if you want a hug then just let me know." Lust reassured him.

Carrot blinked and looked to Lust kind of like he didn't even know he was there. "Who are you?" Carrot asked. "My name is Lust I'm sure you've already heard the nasty rumors about me but most are not true and I'm Blues boyfriend. Yes it's serious, no it's not for money, we haven't even done that yet. He is my boyfriend and if you even hint at insulting him I will hurt you." Lust said calmly. Blue smiled and blushed at his brave boyfriend. Carrot led them inside and sat down in his spot.

Blue plopped into his spot only leaving one for Lust to be stuck in the middle of his boyfriend and his boyfriends brother. "This isn't nearly as uncomfortable as it was with my brother." Lust chuckled. Blue couldn't help but laugh thinking of the awkward situation Lapis put them in. "I remember that he threatened to kill me when you were in that one shop and the way you stormed out!" Blue laughed. Carrot could only look uncomfortable while the couple laughed at inside jokes. "Hey... Blue? I was wondering if you wanted to go to Muffets?" Carrot asked.

"Yeah sure Muffets sounds good I've been having a bit of a sweet tooth lately anyways." Blue shrugged. And at this Carrot was fully surprised at his brothers casualty to go eat out at someplace he used to hate him eating at. "Blue? Are you feeling alright? You've never willingly said yes to Muffets before." Carrot said. "I've been more ok with eating out ever since I met Lust almost every time I made dinner either Lust would have to take over or we would get some Grillbys." Blue said.

Carrot took them to Muffets where they all got wide eye looks as Blue walked to his chair making sure to check for any Whoopie cushions. Lust did the same and pulled out a big one ready to be sat on. Lust then sat down and started to read the menu. "Everything on this menu sounds amazing I wish I could order everything." Lust said. "Who's this sitting next to you Sans?" Muffet asked. Blue cringed at being called Sans as he composed himself. "I go by Blue now, and this is my boyfriend Lust and no the rumors are not true he's one of the best boyfriends in the world and I love him." Blue said simply.

Muffet blinked and shrugged. "It's good to know you still sit in your favorite spot, you used to sit there and listen to all kinds of tall tales remember?" Muffet recalled. Blue smiled and the two started talking like old friends all the while Blue settled into his favorite spot and truly felt like he was at home in his AU for the first time in years. Blue said goodbye to Muffet and his brother as they left for Lusts house. "I'd say that went pretty well." Lust said. Blue smiled and relaxed on the couch. "Yeah it was nice it was great being in my favorite spot again and seeing Muffet for the first time In a while." Blue said. They then went to bed after watching a funny old human movie.

1101 Words

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