Day 13 comfort

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Blue had been gone more and more lately, and Lust was starting to feel lonely again. It felt like he was back with the positive yellow food dye and Ink. But no matter what Lust had to be positive, he knew that Blues job was important and that he had to remain vigilant. But as the days passed and Blue was there less and less Lusts hope began to wane.

So, he began baking more and more, but eventually everyone in snowdin had at least 3 or 4 tins of sweets from Lust. So he tried crocheting, that worked for a while but Lust soon lost interest when he found out how expensive yarn was. He tried every hobby he could think of but nothing made him feel less sad when Blue wasn't around.

Even the cheesy old movies they used to watch together didn't seem as fun anymore, they more so just seemed dumb. Lust had one last idea but he was terrified to do it, because he could risk getting killed by the most feared thing in the multiverse. Error the God of Destruction, everyone knew not to mess with him unless you wanted your home to get destroyed.

So Lust did a little research on Error and if there's anything he likes. Apparently he liked yarn and chocolate from underfell, maybe he liked the spice from it? Who knows. So Lust brought up all his courage and bought some of the best quality yarn he could buy and a ton of chocolate from underfell. He hated the looks he got from everyone, they looked at him like he was a strange animal in a zoo.

But then the daunting task arrived, he had to go ask Error to make him a doll of Blue. Lust opened the portal and walked through being blinded by the pure white void. He slowly approached the destroyer and was met with a cold sharp glare. "WhAt dO yoU wANt." Errors voice glitched. Lust kneeled and presented the gifts to the god. "I-I got these gifts for you in exchange for a doll." Lust said.

Error rolled his eyes and took the gifts and inspected them one by one, purposefully making Lust terrified the longer he examined. "FinE, I sUppOSe thEsE aRe AlRiGht. WhO dO yoU WaNT aS A DoLl?" Error asked. "I-I would like a doll of my boyfriend Blue, the one who was with the star sanses." Lust said. Error hummed in fake thought then started to sew, he shoed Lust away and got to work.

Lust waited on the couch but then came to the realization, Error would probably take a long time on purpose just to torture Lust. So Lust laid down and decided to take a nap, besides what else was he supposed to do with all of this free time? Go on a date with Blue? Go hang out with friends who already have their own lives? No, Lust had been spending most of his time sleeping or cleaning and he ran out of things to clean long ago.

Lust didn't know how long he had been asleep for but when he woke up the little doll of Blue was snuggled in his arms smiling up at him. It was perfect in every way shape and form, Lust would have to get Error more yarn and chocolate for his amazing work. And so the first thing Lust did with his Blue doll? He kissed it of course because he missed the amazing feeling of being able to kiss Blue.

And as he was kissing the small doll tears started to stream down Lusts face and he stopped. Looking down at the forever smiling doll something inside him just snapped and he started sobbing. He missed his boyfriend, he missed their cuddles, he missed their kissed, their flirting, the baking, putting out the fires Blue accidentally made in the kitchen, he missed all of it.

And with this new job he's been missing it more than ever but he just been hiding that fact because he wasn't ready to hear it. He wanted his boyfriend and he misses him every day, but at least, this little doll would provide him some comfort. And so he hugged the doll and turned on the TV to the channel he and Blue always watched together. Just so he could feel some sort of normalcy in this shell of a home with his comforting companion.

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