Day 19 Formalwear

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Lust had been in a better mood lately and was cooking for himself instead of falling back into some bad habits. Lust was in the middle of toasting up some bread on the pan when Blue walked in. "Hey darling!" Blue called. Lust spun around and ran towards Blue embracing him in a giant hug. "What are you doing home early baby!" Lust asked. "Well my boss gave me the rest of the week off so I could be with you and so we can get ready for the ball he is going to be throwing on Saturday!" Blue cheered.

Lust squealed and hugged Blue tighter and didn't want to let go... until he smelled the bread burning. As a little treat Lust decided to order some Grillbys and some Muffets for them to eat while talking about the ball. "Ok so what's the dress code?" Lust asked. "Formal wear preferably darker shades and colors the boss isn't the biggest fan of bright colors. Oh and we're going to need to Learn how to dance as well." Blue explained. Lust smiled and nuzzled into the side of his lover and falling asleep feeling happy.

The next morning Lust smelled something wonderful which tempted him into opening his eyes. He saw Blue cooking bacon and eggs along with a full breakfast for them both. "Morning baby!" Blue called. Lust chuckled and made his way to the table where he almost fell asleep in his seat. Blue placed large plates in front of them and sat down in his spot encouraging Lust to eat. Lust took a reluctant bite only to be met with some of the best pancakes he had ever tasted. "How did you do this! These are even better than mine!" Lust exclaimed.

"I just tried my best!" Blue boasted. "You used box mix didn't you?" Lust said. Blue stuttered and looked down at the table. "Hey it's fine no need to worry Blue I used box mixes a lot when I was first cooking as well." Lust reassured. Blue smiled and kept eating his breakfast and the first thing on their list that day was to go find suits for them both. "I don't think I like the selection this AU has..." Blue muttered. Lust nodded and they traveled onto the next one, that one didn't have what they were looking for either. AU after AU they kept looking but couldn't find the right suit.

And at the very last AU of the day they found the suits that were perfect for them. Lusts was a dark purple suit with a nice lilac tie. Blue got a navy suit with a baby blue tie to go with it and some matching shoes of course to make the suits look even more expensive. Blue took them back to the house and flopped onto the couch Lust flopping onto Blue and snuggling into him. "You wanna order Grillbys?" Lust asked. Blue hummed a yes and ordered for delivery they were too tired to get up and go to the AU anyways.

As the days flew by they got ready for the ball and after some one of one instructions from their dance instructor they finally got the steps down. They were ready for the ball and they had a feeling everything was going to go perfectly.

556 Words

30 day OTP lustberryWhere stories live. Discover now