Day 26 Getting Married

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Their relationship had a long way to go Blue and Lust both knew that better than anyone. It had been almost a month since Lust had woken up and Blue was still on edge around Lust scared to even hug him the wrong way, and Lust was getting sick of it. Lust decided to confront Blue about it during dinner when they had to sit together and eat something even Toast (Lusts dog if you don't remember) was getting suspicious of how Blue was acting.

Lust plated the food and set it in front of his lover  he might have accidentally made it look very fancy. And the food looking fancy tipped Blue off that Lust wanted to talk about something, something important. "Blue." Lust started "I just want to be Frank with this, I'm tired of you tiptoeing around me like I'm going to dust if you even breath on me wrong." Lust said. Blue looked shocked, he blushed and looked down embarrassed. "I thought you didn't notice..." Blue muttered.

"Of course I noticed Blue! You've been avoiding me, for almost an entire month you've been sneaking around thinking I haven't noticed but I have." Lust scoffed. But that's when he noticed Blue shaking, his gaze softened he had forgotten how Dream and Ink had treated him like nothing but a soldier for all those years. "Blue, our relationship is strange, but I think it can work we just need to trust eachother and smooth out the problems please Blue." Lust said. Blue broke down and started full on crying as everything went so fast that night.

Blue admitted that he was so scared of what Lust would do if he reacted badly again, if Lust would even still love him after what happened. And Lust banished all of those worries away with a big kiss with some coco and a cheesy human movie like they used to. Another month passed and their relationship was getting better by the day Blue was more open about things that made him uncomfortable. And Lust was more open with things he thought they both could do better on, like not eating out so much and working out more.

And one day Blue took Lust to a very fancy restaurant that Blue didn't want Lust dressing too flashy for. Blue made sure that Lust didn't dress in typical Lust fashion and dressed sensibly. They were seated at their table and started talking about random things, like how Blues job was doing if they were doing anything for Christmas yada yada. The waiter came over and took their orders, Lust ordered the lobster mac and cheese while Blue ordered the garlic Alfredo.

The dinner went amazingly and they even ordered dessert something Lust almost never indulged in. As Lust was eating his lava cake Blue knelt down on one knew pulled out a box and opened it inside was a ring, with a large spinel and sapphire in the middle. "Lust this entire journey with you has been everything, would you do the honor of marrying me and letting our souls be one in the same?" Blue asked. Lust gasped and sat there shocked for what felt like en eternity. "YES! Yes yes yes! A thousand times infinity yes Blue!" Lust squealed.

Blue gently slid the ring onto Lusts finger and kissed his hand gently locking it in. And before they knew it they were planning who to invite, who to cater the wedding, what flowers and what theme. It all felt like it was going by so fast not even Inks creating could challenge it. "So where do we want the wedding?" Lust asked. Blue showed many beautiful spots but he wanted someplace personal for them. So he took Lust to where they had their little rain date.

Lust squealed with happiness as the entire wedding clicked into place in Lusts mind. "Hey Lust I have an idea for who to cater." Blue mentioned. Lusts eyes lit but but slowly faded from excitement as Blue told Lust. "You really want to do Horror?" Lust asked. Lust liked Horror he really did but he was unsure of it, he did almost break them up after all. But Blue promised it would be fine plus it's Horror they were talking about one of the nicest people you'll ever meet.

Those moments replay in Lusts mind as he gets ready for the wedding, slowly sliding on the wedding dress he smiles as all of the funny moments they've had together flood to him. Lust finishes putting the dress on as his brother zips it up in the back with Toast close by his side. As the music starts up Lust knows that it's time to go out. He walks outside as 'here comes the bride' starts playing on the piano, he goes down the isle Blues eyes tearing up as he watches his soon to be husband looking as radiant as ever.

The vows were said and done, and they locked them i with a quick tender kiss. They went to get food right after and we're enjoying Horrors cooking when the cake was brought out. They cut the cake and danced the night away filling it with laughs and stories and kisses. It was the happiest night of their lives and they never wanted it to stop. They slipped away into their room and fell onto their bed with a soft thud laughs escaping their mouths as they have both had far too much to drink for one night.

And as the night grew late the two newlyweds fell asleep in each others arms happy as can be.

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