chapter 3

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"Okay, Lisa, Jennie, you're against Joy and Yeri next." Lisa and Jennie took their places on court, Jennie having the ball in her hand.

Jennie was a guard, meaning she had good court vision and passing, as well as great ball handling and shooting. She was shorter in height, so she rarely drove since it was easy for her to get blocked.

Jennie looked out for Lisa, who set a screen for her. She didn't use the screen, and Lisa, ran to the three point line to catch the ball.

Lisa jabbed a few times, making Yeri drop into a defensive stance. Lisa started dribbling, and before anyone could say anything, she had blown by Yeri, and now was zooming for the layup. Joy immediately ran over to help defend Lisa, as Lisa realised and kicked the ball out to Jennie.

Not yet. I need to show myself. Jennie composed herself, deciding to slow the pace down instead of taking the shot.

She started dribbling again, changing the speed of her dribbles. When she saw the hesitation in Joy's eyes, she blew past her and finished with a reverse layup.

She saw everyone clap for her as Lisa gave her a look. She smirked at Lisa, who gave her a thumbs up in return.

The training ended off with a 3v3, with the juniors in one team and the seniors in the other.

Jennie looked at Lisa in awe. She reminded her of Jisoo- in a good way. Both of them could do everything, just that Jisoo probably was slightly better and slightly more experienced.

Score: 16-19

"Manoban to your left! Lets reset it." Jennie called, as Lisa passed her the ball. Jennie held up a three sign, which they early agreed to mean a backdoor cut.

Instead, Lisa shook her head. Jennie was confused, but she knew the shotclock was running low, and she couldn't risk passing to Chaeyoung. When Lisa was one step ahead of her defender, she passed it to Lisa.

What could she do in 2 seconds... Jennie wondered, as she watched Lisa intently.

Lisa calmly caught the ball and with good form, she shot the triple, the arc perfect, as it entered.

Jennie and Jisoo grinned, giving Lisa a high five. They had tie the game.

Of course, Jisoo had something to say about the goal. When they started the ball again, as soon as the ball landed on Lisa's hands, Jisoo rushed to close up on her. She didn't overdo it, her stance leaving Lisa with little choice on what she could do. She passed it back to Jennie, who hurriedly swung the ball to Chaeyoung, who made a strong drive.

Wendy called for help as Jisoo went to stop Chaeyoung, who took the chance to kick out the ball to Lisa.

Lisa immediately shot the ball, but to her horror, a Jisoo came running towards her, jumping vertically up in the air.

The ball narrowly missed the hoop, going in and out, as Jisoo shot Lisa a triumphant smirk.

"You're still a junior there's no way you're winning us." Irene, who got the rebound, lobbed the ball forward for Jisoo, who slowed down the play.

Jisoo waited for Jennie to get into position for defence. Jennie was about the same height as her, so physically, both of them were equal.

Jennie felt scared about defending Jisoo, one of the top players in the whole of Korea. Jisoo started with a between the leg, which Jennie could anticipate, as Jisoo did a speedy double behind the back.

That was Chaeyoung's go to move. No way she would fall for that. Jennie realised at that moment that Chaeyoung had many similarities with Jisoo when they played, and of course Jisoo probably taught it to her.

Jisoo did a drop step, driving hard into the paint, as Jennie followed tightly, determined to prove herself. Jisoo jumped into the air, making contact with Jennie, as Jennie leaned in to block the ball, but Jisoo's hang time was better, she was in the air for a good millisecond longer, as she threw the ball against the top corner of the square, banking in the shot.

Jisoo landed on the floor perfectly, helping Jennie up properly, as Jennie gave her a weak smile. "You're unbeatable unnie."

Jisoo mouthed an "i know" to Jennie, as the seniors huddled up and cheered for their victory.

"Lalisa, we'll have a rematch later. You wont be able to guard me." Jisoo stuck her tongue out, giving Lisa a playful wink, as Lisa rolled her eyes at Jisoo.

"Guys do y'all wanna come to my house on Friday? We need to have some team bonding session!" Wendy asked excitedly. Everyone agreed, other than Lisa.

"Sorry guys I'm busy on Friday..." there were a few boos before Irene promptly told everybody to shut up.

"What bout next Friday?" Wendy asked, Lisa looking around nervously.

"I'll check. I should be free..." Lisa replied, but of course, Jennie managed to see the fear in her eyes.

She followed Lisa, who was refilling her bottle out. "Hey Lis, if you didn't want to hang out you could have said it. They wouldn't have minded." She gave Lisa a warm smile, as Lisa looked at her questionably.

"That's not it. I'm actually busy Jennie." Lisa sighed, taking another gulp of water. Jennie could still tell Lisa was lying, but she decided not to push it any further.

"You know you could tell me if you have any problems right?" Lisa raised her eyebrow, but nodded anyways, as Jennie pulled Lisa into a mini hug, which she reciprocated. "I'm abit sweaty..." they both said in unison, as both of them started laughing.

Jennie baded Lisa goodbye, as she returned to look for Chaeyoung, who was talking to Jisoo about "pineapple", the nickname of Taehyung, Jennie's admirer.

"And pineapple came over with a freaking huge teddy bear and insisted Jen take it. I obviously didn't wanna let him give it to her. My future brother in law wouldn't be some desperate loser playboy like him..." Jennie plopped down beside them, while drying herself with her towel.

"And then pineapple started following me everywhere and insisted I took the bear. He gives me a bear everyday thinking I'll use it, but I seriously just resell it to some guys who want to use it to impress their girls." Jennie snapped, extremely annoyed at Taehyung.

Jisoo let out a low ah, asking them to show her a picture of Taehyung, and both girls, although puzzled, did so.

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