chapter 12

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Jisoo woke up a good 12 hours later, with Chaeyoung and Lisa at her bedside.

"You fainted of fatigue and you were too cold." Lisa explained, as Chaeyoung leant in to give Jisoo a warm hug. Jisoo moved slightly so Chaeyoung and Lisa could share the bed if they wanted to. Lisa chose to sit at the corner of the bed while Chaeyoung got under the sheets with Jisoo.

The events of what had happened just played through her head. As she sat up quickly in realization. "Hows Jennie?" Chaeyoung grinned, as she explained how they ran a lot of tests and she was fine now, but didn't come visit because she was resting in her room.

Chaeyoung playfully flicked Jisoo's forehead. "I know you're concerned about Jennie, but by not taking care of yourself, you got yourself sick too. A fucking sports bra in a hospital Soo..."

Lisa made a loud cough, mimicking Chaeyoung's words as Chaeyoung went over to smack Lisa. She leant back into Jisoos arms and gave Jisoo a long kiss on her cheek. Jisoo gave Chaeyoung one back too, as they started grinning like idiots. "I love you Chaeng." "I love you too Soo."

Lisa didn't mind it since she knew how much Jisoo cared for Chaeyoung like a little sister. She was crazy overprotective of Chaeyoung. But what they didn't know was the petite girl outside the door, starting to form a misunderstanding because of what just happened.

Jisoo was told Jennie had awoken and rushed over to see Jennie, who was already in her bed. Jisoo could feel tears welling up again as she went over to get a hug from Jennie, which was reciprocated, but Jisoo could feel it wasn't the same as before.

Jisoo sat down on the seat beside the bedside, shooting Chaeyoung and Lisa a "get out" glare, as she held Jennie's hand in hers.

"Are you mad at me? Im so sorry Jennie... it's all my fault. I swear I didn't mean it.. I didn't want you to get hurt.. I would rather I got hit than you..." Jennie cut Jisoo off, pulling her onto the bed and under the sheets. She gently felt her forehead, which was still slightly warm from a fever, as she placed her legs on Jisoo's thigh, and continued holding onto Jisoo's hand.

"I don't blame you Jisoo. If I blame anyone, I blame Nayeon, that pass was superb. I would have done the same if I was you. It was my fault for being unaware anyways." Jisoo opened her mouth to protest, but Jennie stopped her by placing her fingers to Jisoo's lips. She must have realized how bad an idea it was, as they broke apart blushing.

"Don't feel bad about it Unnie, i'm serious. Anyways, eomma popped by earlier on, and she told me that Nayeon is going to get charge for intentional assault, and the match would be rescheduled to next week instead." Jisoo nodded, but she really wasn't listening, just appreciating the fact nothing bad had happened to Jennie.

"Ya, is there something on my face? Or is it my hair.. I was sleeping for more than 24 hours chu.." Jennie pouted, as Jisoo pinched her mandu cheeks.

"No.. I just don't know what I would do without you..." Jisoo murmured, pulling Jennie into a hug as she buried her head into Jennie's shoulder.

Jennie smiled, but the smile slowly faded.

Didn't she just told Chaeyoung she loved her? Was she cheating on her best friend with Jennie..? Or did Jennie simply just overthink what Jisoo said..

She probably did. The look Jisoo had when she told Chaeyoung she loved her was one filled with affection, love, care and concern. Plus they knew each other since young.

Plus, Jisoo was athletic, smart- a genius. She was pretty and kind. Jennie was just average. She couldn't match up to Jisoo.

Jennie felt herself tear up as she considered the possibilities, and realising she could almost never be with Jisoo. She patted Jisoo's back and leant in on her shoulder too, just simply appreciating the fact that they were together then.

"Please, can Jennie stay with me until she recover? I really want to make it up to you guys. Mr and Mrs Park, I swear. I'll take care of her well."

Chaeyoung's parents sighed, Chaeyoungs mother pulling Jisoo into a hug.

"I get where you're coming from honey, but it really isn't your fault. You don't have to make it up to anyone okay? You're free to stay over if you want to. Or you could always get Jennie to stay at yours. We wouldn't mind. What we mind is that you think it's your fault? You get me honey?" Jisoo nodded, wiping away her stray tears.

Jisoo ended up agreeing with Chaeyoung's parents that Jennie would stay at her place for a week as a friendly sleepover. But in reality, Jisoo just wanted to make sure she was alright, and so she could spend more time with her.

She was going to invite Chaeyoung too, although she wanted alone time with Jennie, she didn't want the girl to be left out. But surprisingly, Chaeyoung had already agreed to Lisa's father training regime for her, and was staying over at Lisa's for a week and a half to test it out.

As for Jisoo and Jennie, they told Mr Bruschweiler that they would make a decision when Jennie was better, and he respected that.

Jisoo and Jennie were both given a 3 day MC, and Jennie had to come back in a week for a checkup, and that was that.

Chaeyoung's parents were nice enough to drive them from the hospital to Jennies house, where she got some clothes, some day to day necessities, and her necessary school materials, while Chaeyoung, was also busy packing for her stay at Lisa's.

Mrs Kim hugged her two daughters tightly before they left. "Have fun, and stay safe when you do what you do. Love you guys." Jisoo didnt get what Mrs Kim meant at first, but the smirk on her face gave her away, as Jisoo instantly turned red.

Jennie and Chaeyoung saw this and rolled their eyes at their mother, at the same time, laughing at Jisoo.

Since Jisoo's house was nearby, Jennie and Jisoo walked over while Chaeyoung's dad brought Chaeyoung to Lisa's.

This was the second time Jennie went to Jisoo's house. When she arrived, she took in the time to realize how big her house is. The only time she went there was when Jisoo was upset about Jin, and during that time, she was either in their kitchen, living room, or bedroom.

The walk to Jisoo's house was quiet, but serene. Both of them were holding hands, and admiring the scenery as they passed.

"Jendeukie, are you feeling alright?" Jisoo asked, concerned, when Jennie removed her hand when she sneezed. Jennie nodded cutely, but continued to sneeze like there was no tomorrow.

Jisoo took off her jacket and wrapped it around Jennie, who gave her her signature gummy smile. "You're so cute when you're sneezing Jendeukie!"

The comment made butterflies flutter in Jennie's stomach, causing her to turn red and bury her head in Jisoo's shoulder.

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