chapter 14

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Jisoo woke up at 8am the next morning- it was pretty early for Jisoo considering she didn't need to go to school. Jennie was still in deep slumber, asleep on her chest, her breathing synchronized and steady.

Jisoo slowly unwrapped Jennie's arms from her waist, slipping out of bed, putting on the blanket for her again.

Sarah was so shocked to see Jisoo awake at 8. Her frown turned more apparent when Jisoo greeted her. "Jisoo, you're not attending school today remember?"

Jisoo nodded happily, taking out the avocados from the fridge. "I'm making Jendeukie breakfast! She's a picky eater, and one of her favorite is avocado toast!"

Sarah smiled. It was rare to see Jisoo put in so much effort for a friendship.

But that smile faded really quickly. "You? Make avocado toast..? Jennie would appreciate your effort but please don't ruin the poor girls stomach! She's ill for gods sake!" Jisoo rolled her eyes while sticking out her tongue at Sarah.

After much blood, sweat and tears- and it was literal- Jisoo cut herself trying to cut the avocado, she was sweating buckets from the stress, and at one point, frustration caused her to tear up- Jisoo finished the avocado toast with much help from Sarah.

Jisoo ran to her room with the four pieces of toast and warm milk, setting them on the table, as she woke Jennie up.

"Jendeuk Jendeuk! I made breakfast!" The older girl shook Jennie, who just groaned, hugging Jisoo's waist.

"Aniya.. I don't wanna wake up eomma.. 10 minutes..." Oh right, it wasn't easy to wake Jennie up. She was a koala when she woke up, and would cling on to literally anyone.

Slowly, and at the same time, making sure she didn't hurt Jennie, she pulled Jennie into a sitting position. Jennie was still half asleep, but still clinging onto Jisoo like her life depended on it.

Jisoo couldn't help but smile. She decided against waking Jennie up, seeing how cute she was all tired and sleepy. Instead, Jisoo joined Jennie on the bed, observing her facial features as she slept.

Jennie looked serene, peaceful and calm. Her eyes were pressed shut, and she smelt like lavender. She was drop dead gorgeous.

Five minutes later, the younger was starting to wake up. With much help from Jisoo, she finally woke up. Jennies eye brightened up when she saw the sight of avocado toast.

"I woke up at 8am for you Jendeukie! I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed!" Jennie smiled appreciatively, giving Jisoo a kiss on her forehead. "Chu i'm so lazy to go brush my teeth can you bring my toothbrush over for me?" Jennie pleaded with her cute puppy eyes, which was obviously Jisoo's weakness.

Jisoo thought for a moment, and lifted Jennie up bridal style, earning a loud yelp from Jennie. Jisoo smirked, as Jennie buried her head in Jisoo's chest in fear.

"Don't worry Jendeuk. I got you and I won't drop you." Jennie gave a hum in acknowledgment, as she started playing with Jisoo's hair.

Jisoo gently put Jennie down, as Jennie began brushing her teeth, while Jisoo told Jennie about her avocado toast making procedure, while lamenting on how Sarah didn't trust her enough to let her make one herself.

Jennie and Jisoo returned to Jisoo's room, and decided to watch Netflix over breakfast. Jisoo was all for the new Disney Elementals, and her pout was something Jennie could never say no to.

Jennie leant onto Jisoo's shoulders, as the show begun. Jisoo had to feed Jennie the avocado toast because the younger girl insisted, claiming that it wouldn't be a true breakfast in bed if she didn't.

At the end of the movie, Jennie was crying and Jisoo was laughing at her.

"Pabo, this isn't real. Why are you crying?" Jisoo asked, laughing hard, earning a slap from Jennie. "It's because it talks about that love can overcome anything, but what happens if the person I love doesn't love me back?" Jennie's english was broken, but Jisoo could understand most of it.

Jennie likes somebody? Jisoo couldn't help but feel jealousy well from the pit of her stomach. She couldn't help but possessively hug Jennie, snuggling into her back, leaving multiple kisses on it.

Jennie was shocked by Jisoo's sudden clinginess but let her be.

Three days later, Jisoo woke up first 20 minutes earlier, at 610, going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Jennie. The elder girl was delighted when Jennie told her her avocado toast was great, and she woke up early to make it for her everyday after that.

Jisoo wasn't one to reach school on time, usually, she woke up at 750 while school started at 8. She only reached school in the middle of her second lesson, but the teachers didn't really mind since Jisoo got the grades.

However, Jisoo knew Jennie was a model student. She did her homework, reached school on time, went for extra classes and consults. She just couldn't get the grades. So, she decided to make sure Jennie would be able to reach school in time.

Sarah was awake already, as she informed Jisoo that her uniform had been ironed, and her driver would be arriving at 7am. Jisoo thanked Sarah, as she added some final touches onto the avocado toast, placing it in a ziplock bag, and prepared two glass of warm milk.

Sarah was definitely surprised seeing Jisoo like this. It was rare for Jisoo to care about someone this much. And to wake up early for her to make toast? Jisoo was the laziest person on earth. There was once she called Sarah, who was busy preparing dinner, to help take her remote, which was at the bottom of the bed she was laying on.

Sarah smiled inwardly to herself. She was like Jisoo's mother, having watched her grown up.

At around 625, Jisoo went to wake Jennie up. The same routine followed for the past three days and today.

Cuddles, then Jisoo had to drag Jennie to the toilet to brush their teeth, then they'll change their clothes, usually they would have breakfast but today they would have it in the car.

As usual, Jennie was clinging onto Jisoo's waist for dear life, as Jisoo grinned and prodded the cute mandu, who after a mini scuffle with Jisoo, groaned and got out of bed, being led by Jisoo into the toilet.

The two finished preparing and were running a little late, as they hurriedly went onto the car.

Jisoo was feeding Jennie as usual, who was too tired and just laying on Jisoos shoulder. The ride was silent except for the sound of the crunching of the bread.

When they arrived at school, the two were surprised by Irene Seulgi, Lisa and Chaeyoung at the front of school, as Jennie and Jisoo exchanged worried glances. All three of them were arguing.

"Did something happen while we were away?" Jennie asked, while scrolling through her phone quickly. "Chaengie and Lisa didn't text me anything.." "Jendeuk Lisa is walking away... I think she's crying!" Jisoo pointed out as the two girls looked up to see Lisa already running into school.

"You have to tell Jisoo or she's gonna..."

Jisoo and Jennie exchanged glances again, as Jisoo asked loudly, "Tell me what?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you.. Oh my fucking god I wasn't involved in anything." Seulgi exclaimed, running away, as Irene swore at her.

Jisoo looked at the both of them questioningly, as Jennie on the other hand, was terribly confused, but she went to hug Chaeyoung since she missed her.

"Umm... So.. You have to calm down Jisoo..."

Jisoo rolled her eyes at Irene, changing to glare at Chaeyoung instead.

"Tell me what Chaeng."

Chaeyoung bit her nail in response, as Jennie looked up at her, confused, but Jennie could see the confusion Chaeyoung herself had in her eyes.

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