chapter 21

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When Chaeyoung and Jennie entered their classroom, it was surprising to say the least when they saw Jisoo already there. It was 720 am, and Jisoo would usually only wake up in another 40 minutes, it pleasantly surprised the girls to see that Jisoo was here already.

"Morning baby." Jisoo smiled, wrapping her arms around Jennies waist firmly and planting a small kiss on her forehead, as Chaeyoung faked gagged. "Morning to you too Soo." The blonde rolled her eyes as she got into her seat, while the small kiss escalated to a intense making out session between the two girls.

Chaeyoung refused to look, as she grabbed her phone from her pocket, deciding to text Lisa. She had a plan in mind already.

"So... How should I ask her out?" Chaeyoung asked, taking her phone from the nightstand and opening a notepad on her phone.

"Okay first, you could try going to a Pho shop, and maybe start by talking, then getting her flowers, then asking her out." Chaeyoung noted it down, as she started researching for nice Pho places to bring Lisa too.

"What flower should I get her Jen?" Jennie thought for a while, groaning heavily as she shook her head sadly. She had no idea.

In the end, they decided to just go to the flower shop the next morning to get recommendations.

Jennie got back into her seat beside Chaeyoung, after much protests from Jisoo, when she saw Chaeyoung looking into the paper bag which had the bouquet of flowers she bought for Lisa.

"Oh my, Chaengramji! You're gonna make a move today?" Chaeyoung nodded excitedly, while Jisoo catcalled. Jennie hugged Chaeyoung, placing a small kiss on her forehead. "You're gonna do just fine Chaengie." Chaeyoung smiled as she hugged Jennie back, ignoring Jisoo's noises of displeasure.

"Busy making out Vice Captain?" Jisoo teased, as she playfully interrupted Irene and Seulgi's make out session in the CCA room.

"What are you doing here at 740am Sooya. Since when did you ever reach school so early?" Seulgi snapped, as Irene buried her head in Seulgi's chest, visibly embarrassed she got caught. "It's not the first time I'm seeing you guys make out. Chill out. And anyways, it's because i brought my Mandeukie breakfast , and I knew she wouldn't like it if I came in in the middle of class to pass it to her. So i came early."

Seulgi nodded impatiently, rolling her eyes, as her arm snaked around Irene's waist firmly. "Mhm, great to know you and your mandeukie is doing well. Now please fuck out and let me and Irene have our time together please." Jisoo shrugged, leaving, winking at the two girls, and earning a harsh glare in return.

"Shouldn't we be heading to class Seul?" Seulgi shook her head, planting a gentle kiss on Irene's lips, before it turned passionate. They broke apart after a minute or so, breathing hard, a thread of saliva connecting the both of them. "When are we going to make it official?" Irene asked shyly, as Seulgi grinned in return.

"Be my girlfriend Bae, I would be the best one you ever had." Irene smiled, connecting their lips once more.

Chaeyoung 🐿️🐿️
heyy lis, let's get lunch together after school?

Lisa ❤️❤️
sure! where shld we go?

Chaeyoung 🐿️🐿️
i was thinking abt eating pho? wld u be alright w it?

Lisa ❤️❤️
ofcc! i love pho! see you after class!
and pay attention 🤬🤬

Chaeyoung 🐿️🐿️
kay mom bye 😛😛

Chaeyoung couldn't pay attention in class. She was too busy thinking of what would happen between the two of them after school, and possible scenarios.

Chaeyoung shook the half asleep Jennie awake, earning a playful slap from her. "Unnie, what happens if she doesn't like me back?" Jennie sighed, it seemed like a frustrated one- as she s replied, "Chaengie, it's either now or never. You'll regret it if you don't even try to make a move."

Chaeyoung nodded, gritting her teeth, making sure she would get Lisa no matter what.

School ended after a good torturous 3 hours, and Chaeyoung rushed to Lisa's class to pick her up. The plan was for her to bring Lisa to the pho place, and Jennie, would bring the flowers she brought for Lisa and get the waiter there to help hide it under Chaeyoung's chair so Lisa wouldn't see it.

"Hey Lis, how was school today?" Chaeyoung began awkwardly, interlocking her fingers with Lisa's, as they began walking, Chaeyoung making a mental note not to walk to fast so that Jennie could make the necessary preparations. "It was fine! We did mock papers. Abit boring, but still. School is still school."

Chaeyoung "ah"ed in response, as she started sharing with Lisa about how Chanyeol got dumped by a girl and was sulking in class, as Lisa laughed heartily.

"I'm just saying Chaeyoung, but have you ever known how pretty you are?" Lisa suddenly asked, stopping in her tracks, as she checked out Chaeyoung, making her blush. "Aww is my Chaengramji embarrassed?" This didn't help Chaeyoung at all, and instead, made her more red in the face, as she buried her face into Lisa's arms.

The two continued walking to the pho place, as the waiter gave Chaeyoung a wink, allowing Chaeyoung to know that everything was done.

The two girls ordered their usual pho, as they talked while having their meal.

Chaeyoung reached under her chair, feeling the bouquet of flowers. She brought her hands under the table to calm herself down, taking slow deep breaths.

Its now or never Chaeng.

Chaeyoung inhaled deeply, and quickly grabbed the bouquet of sunflowers from under her chair, as she gave them to an astonished Lisa.

"Lisa, I know this might seem super unromantic. Like seriously, a pho place? I know it's not a place where you would expect me to say, hey Lis, be my girlfriend, or what... But this pho place has a lot of memories of us. Like that time you lost to me after training and piggybacked me all the way here? Truth to be told, my heart was fluttering. I felt so.. I don't know. It just made me all jittery when you piggybacked me. And everytime we looked at each other, all I say to myself is, She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Personality and looks wise. And everytime you do something, you just make me laugh- oh god, your existence makes me happy. I bought sunflowers for you because you shine like the sun, you give me radiant rays to lead me to become a better me, and you're an important factor to my survival. You're somebody I need. The lady at the flower shop also told me, sunflower is a symbolism of faith and devotion. And I would always be yours. I know this sounds crazy, but would you be my girlfriend?"

There was silence, as Chaeyoung began to look away sadly.

"Look I'm sor..." Her words were cut short as Lisa got up too, setting the sunflowers on her seat, as her lips met Chaeyoung's. Chaeyoung melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Lisa's waist, as they broke apart.

"I fucking love you, Park Chaeyoung."

"I love you too, Lisa."

The two girls collapsed into each others arms, smiling blissfully.

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