chapter 6

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"What the heck do you think you're doing? I said 100, not fucking 92. Lalisa, you really have disappointed me." Lisa shuddered in the cold stare of her father.

"Appa, the..." Lisa's father slammed the table, rising up, and threw the nearest thing to him- which was a file- at Lisa, scratching her cheeks before it landed on the floor, the paper inside scattering.

"Don't call me appa. I dont have a child like you. Fucking disappointment." Lisa hung her head in shame. She really studied hard, and not getting 100 was a big surprise to her too. She knew she was at fault, but 92 was the class highest score too.

"Biyane, I'll study harder next time. I'll do you proud." Lisa apologised once more, looking at the floor in shame, and in fear of meeting her fathers eyes.

"You useless bitch, go pick up those papers on the floor. Cant study right? Cant do simple things right? Then you should be on your knees on the floor like a pathetic dog, picking his stuff up for his master." Lisa didnt wait for a second longer and got down to pick her fathers documents up, consolidating them one by one, her tears already threatening to leave her eyes.

I'm strong. I wont cry.

But how long more could she hold it for? She stacked them neatly and placed it in the file as she handed it to her father, who rudely told her to put it on the table since her "filthy hands didn't deserve to touch his."

"Lissssaaaaaaa-ya!" Lisa got snapped out of her daze as Jisoo came running towards her.

"Ppong!" Lisa rolled her eyes as Jennie and Chaeyoung laughed it off. "Chaeng put your unnie on a leash. She's disturbing everybody."Irene snapped, getting a glare by Jisoo.

"It's Chaengs birthday next Tuesday! We should go out to eat." Jennie exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Chaeyoung's waist to pull her closer.

"Lets go eat hotpot! Its Jisoos favourite!" Jisoo squealed something inaudible, as she started blabbering about all the hotpot she ever ate, earning a hearty laugh from Jennie.

Lisa smiled at this sight. She loved all of them with the whole of her heart. They were her comfort place.

"Jin oppa!" Jin rolled his eyes, as he held out his chicken. "A bite chu, one bite." Jisoo nodded impatiently as she ate a super big mouthful, as Jin sighed.

"It was yummy! Can I have another bite?" Jisoo asked with her puppy eyes and signature pout, which Jin couldn't say no to.

He rolled his eyes again, handing her the chicken. "Just take it you chicken obsessed baby." Jisoo grinned widely, as she finished the chicken as if she didn't eat in days.

Jin smiled, and patted Jisoo's head, before he earned a glare from Jisoo.

"Oppaa your hands are so oily! Now my hairs oily too!" Jisoo whined, as Jin let out a sheepish grin, quickly handed her a wet tissue to wipe her hand and hair.

"Jichu!" Jisoo spun as she saw Jennie ran over to her and hugged her. "Do you wanna have lunch? Lisa and I are gonna get Chicken!"

Jisoo's eyes brightened. Since when was she gonna say no to chicken?

"Wheres Chaengie?" Jisoo asked as they got seated at the chicken place. "She went for a consult with Mr Choi. Heal me Lisa." Jennie snapped, as she stuffed a piece of chicken in Jisoo's mouth.

They ended the day after eating more than 8 pieces of drumsticks, leveled up 6 levels.

Lisa received a call and had to leave, leaving Jisoo and Jennie there.

"Unnie, can i go to your place today? Chaeng invited Hyeri over, and I'm scared her house has not enough space for me." Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Of course! Lets go like right now." Jisoo exclaimed, grabbing Jennie by her hand and leading her out.

Jennie's heart fluttered, as she allowed herself to be led away by Jisoo, happy and contented.

"Wait you're just gonna strip in front of me like that?" Jennie asked, her face flushed red, as she tried to hide her eyes behind her hands.

"Aish Jendeukie, it's just you. It doesn't matter. You're like my little sister anyway, I dont mind!" Jisoo exclaimed, as she put her oversized hoodie on.

Little sister...

She threw a oversized hoodie to Jennie, telling her it was comfortable and she should wear it, as Jennie greatfully wore it. It smelt like jisoo.

No Jennie. You don't like Jisoo. Jennie told herself firmly. You're not gay. You can't be gay.

What's wrong with being gay?

Jennie unconsciously let out a low groan, as Jisoo hurried to check on her, whom just shook her head in response.

Jisoo was sound asleep, and was spooning Jennie. Jennie was too busy in thoughts to sleep.

"Mama, what is love?" Jennie asked her mother, who smiled warmly, picking Jennie into her arms. "Well honey, love is like me and papa. We stay together no matter what. Loving someone means you'll do anything for them, even if it's dying for them."

Jennie "oh"ed loudly, thinking hard.

"Mama, since I love you, I'll go wherever you go! We'll stay together no matter what!" Jennie's mother tutted, swiping Jennie's bangs away from her face.

"Aniya, one day mamas gonna be gone, and you need to be strong and carry on without mama." Jennie's head was tilted to one side in confusion, hee mother was contradicting herself.

"But mama, you said that love is sticking together no matter what. I dont understand what you mean..."

Jennie's mother sighed. "That's true honey, let me change what I said. Love is different for everybody, and for me and you, it's I'll do everything for you just to see you alive and happy."

"Mama, how does love feel like with papa?" Jennie continued probing, earning a kiss on her forehead by her mother. "Hmmm, it's like... I want to tell him everything, I want him to be with me, I wish he would just cuddle with me all day. Simple things like conversations are enough to make my bad days become better, just being with him puts a smile on my face. He's effortlessly funny without trying... I don't know honey. I just love your papa so much." Jennie's mother blushed at the confession.

Jennie was in awe by her mothers love for her father, hugging her tightly.

It was apparent of their love for each other, as Jennie became an orphan when she turned 11.

Her parents had passed away in a car accident, and when they were hit, her father was trying to shield her mother, and they passed in each others arms.

It wasn't a pleasant event for any 11 year old to go through. But thankfully enough for Jennie, there was Chaeyoung and her family who took her in.

Jennie could feel tears flowing down her cheeks, as she started sobbing uncontrollably. She missed her biological parents, and she was extremely confused about the Jisoo- and her situation.

What would they think of me? Appa, Eomma, Chaeng, Lisa....

"Mandeukie..." Jisoo called, turning Jennie so that she was facing her. Jennie tried to stop the tears, but they wouldn't stop. Jisoo hugged Jennie, patting her head slowly, and stroking her hair, allowing the shuddering Jennie to calm down in her arms.

Jisoo only stopped when she heard Jennie's evened breathing, signifying she was asleep.

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