chapter 16

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It was only 3 days into the dating and Chaeyoung felt like the relationship was already gone. Chaeyoung felt lonely and alone. When she tried to talk to Lisa, the conversation was short and simple. She was staying with Lisa for some basketball training Lisa's father arranged, but the two barely talked.

Chaeyoung like Jennie, used to sleep with Lisa since she was scared of rooming alone, but, after Lisa's outburst, Chaeyoung knew better. Lisa was upset with her, for a reason she didn't know about, and she wasn't willing to talk. Everytime Chaeyoung apologised, Lisa would wave it off politely, nothing more.

The training was coming to an end. It was enriching yet awkward, and Chaeyoung did not particularly enjoy the fact that their friendship was reduced to the stage of a nod when they saw each other.

Lisa's father had gotten a famous WNBA player, Courtney Williams, to train them. Courtney Williams was swag, cool, and was well known for her pull up jump shots.

The training was tough, but it was even tougher for Lisa, who was slightly struggling to keep up. Chaeyoung could tell Lisa was stressed up about something, seeing that everytime she missed a shot, she would give her father a look to see his reaction.

"Girls, eat up. Tomorrow would be your last training with Williams. After that, I might be getting a full time coach to help train you girls after school if you're free. Rest assured I can arrange transportation Chaeyoung. Please also check with Jennie and Jisoo if they're available." Both Chaeyoung and Lisa nodded. Lisa was eating greens, since her father enforced that she ate greens because she was growing fat, which Chaeyoung disagreed with, but said nothing, and Chaeyoung was eating meat, since it had much protein.

Chaeyoung and Lisa greeted Lisa's father goodnight, and headed to their seperate rooms for bed.

Chaeyoung woke up a little past 2 in the morning. Her nights were usually extremely comfortable here, since the bed here was humongous, even bigger than the bed she and Jennie shared. Today, she was abit thirsty, so she woke up to get a drink.

The living room was pitch black except for the room at the end, with lights still on. It didn't take long for Chaeyoung to realise it was Lisa'a room.

She tiptoed over, gently prying open the door, wanting to help turn off the light, but she saw Lisa hard at work, doing assessment papers.

Chaeyoung gently shut the door behind her, as she whispered-screamed, "Lisa-yah! Its 2 am!"

Lisa spun, and gave Chaeyoung a warm yet polite smile, which instantly melted Chaeyoung's heart. Chaeyoung instantly felt an air of awkwardness between them, which Lisa made even worse, by replying with, "I know that Chaeyoung."

She used Chaeyoung. It was way too formal compared to the way she used to be addressed by Lisa. Chaeyoung couldn't help but feel herself tear up as the thoughts kept flooding her head, and Lisa obviously noticed.

Lisa quickly rose from her seat, walking over to Chaeyoung in two big strides. "Are you okay Chaeng?" Her voice was gentle and worried, and that couldn't help but make Chaeyoung cry more.

"What's wrong Chaeng.. did i say something..." Lisa was interrupted by a big embrace from Chaeyoung which rendered her speechless. She slowly wrapped her trembling hands around Chaeyoung's back in an attempt to calm her down.

"You have a boyfriend Chaeng. Chanyeol isn't gonna be happy seeing you hug another girl..." Lisa joked, trying to diffuse the tension, but obviously, made it even worse, as Chaeyoung cried harder.

Lisa was confused, yes, but she still gently led Chaeyoung onto her bed. with Chaeyoung still held tightly in her arms.

"I don't know if I should continue to date Chanyeol anymore. Because of him I lost you, I lost Jisoo unnie and Jennie unnie... Nobody was talking to me.. I was all alone and sad... I wished I never dated him... Lisa would you forgive me? I'm sorry I dated him... I don't know why I did it too.. He just seemed nice... And like I thought maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to test it out..."

Lisa's heart broke at Chaeyoung's words, as she immediately broke apart from Chaeyoung, taking a look at her tear stained face, which upset her even more. Lisa wiped off the tears from Chaeyoung's face and cupped her hand over her cheeks, letting her rest in it, which Chaeyoung did.

"I'm sorry Chaeng... I was selfish.. I... I had my reasons for not wanting you to date him... And I thought now that you were dating it would be awkward for us... I didn't know how you feel. I was childish. I'm sorry. If he brings you happiness, I should be happy for you. You don't ever have to be sorry for dating Chanyeol okay? It's my fault. I'm the one that has to be sorry..." Lisa also burst into tears, as Lisa and Chaeyoung clutched onto each other, just crying.

"Can you please just tell me the reason why you weren't talking to me? Maybe that's the reason why Jisoo unnie isn't talking to me too..." Lisa gulped. That was obviously not the reason for Jisoo.

For starters, if it wasn't obvious enough, Jisoo obviously had a soft spot for her "Jendeukie", and she would do everything for her. Obviously, she was not talking to Jisoo for a completely different reason from Lisa, who didn't talk to her because she wanted her feelings to stop growing.

And most importantly, Jisoo had clearly stated she was mad that Chaeyoung didn't let her know first. It was as simple as that. Jisoo simply felt betrayed.

"I'm sorry Chaeng.. But this reason is something I don't wanna tell you yet, but I'll tell you sometime in the future okay?" Chaeyoung nodded understandingly, hugging Lisa tightly, as she leant her forehead onto Lisa's.

Lisa could feel her heart hammering, it was faster than she ever thought it could go. She felt her hands go clammy, and suddenly, she thought about how Chaeyoung might feel disgusted if she touched Lisa's clammy cold hands.

Unbeknownst to Lisa, Chaeyoung was feeling the exact same way. But unlike Lisa, Chaeyoung had bottled and mix feelings that she really didn't know about.

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