Mute - Prologue

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Camila always had trouble trusting people, thinking that people would always be cruel towards her just because of her disorder that she had suffered since she was practically born- maybe not literally but you get what she means. She had always been by herself and barely goes out of her house, isolating herself from the outside world. She stopped speaking publicly for the sake of not embarrassing herself much further and complete lost hope for herself, believing that she really wouldn't be able to learn to speak properly.

She had been called stupid and mute for a million times, she was laughing stock, a punching bag and not once did someone ever defend her. She questioned herself as to why she was like this, why she was born like this. Smiling was very hard to do when there was no reason for her to smile at or even, for. well, maybe except for her sister.

If it wasn't for her parents finding out about the bullying by accident, she would have still stayed in that hell hole. Though, she had actually rather be home schooled but her parents thought that it wouldn't be such a good idea. Plus, Camila didn't bother asking them anyways and so she decided to go with the plan to just transfer from another school.

Honestly, she didn't get why she had to when her bullies lived on the same neighbourhood she was in. She thought it was useless but again, she didn't question her parents and just went with it. This plan would either multiply the bullies into her life or lessen it and really, she was scared. She really just needed someone to accept for who she was.

Why was it so hard to survive High school?

A/N: I just wanna say that there will be a lot of grammatical and spelling errors considering English isn't my first language and this is my first book, so please bear with me 💕🌹

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