Chapter 1

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Camila anxiously walk down the hallways of her new school, her first year of Junior high school, probably another terrible year for her. She has been walking for about half an hour now and yet she still hasn't found the office where she would get her schedule and locker number. People have been staring at her, either they were curious or judgmental and it is really bothering her. She could practically hear their whispers although, she tried to ignore it as best as she could, it was still very difficult to do so.

Camila turns around a corner and looks around to see another batch of unknown classrooms. This placed just seemed endless and it honestly was driving her crazy. It was definitely larger than her old school.

She sighs and runs her hand through her hair in frustration, looking around once more to see a crowd of unfamiliar faces, some looking as if this was the last place they wanted to be while others looked quite excited to reunite with their friends.

She already wasted 30 minutes of her time and now that she was standing on another unknown large hallway, there would be a high possibility that she would never find that damn office. It was either really difficult to find or she really was a terrible finder.

It was probably the latter.

She would frantically look around at each corners of the school just in case the office is just right there but to no such luck. All she need is to find that office, a simple task yet she couldn't even do. So what else will happen to her once she needed to find her classroom?

or even survive this year.

Luckily, she was an hour and a half early but it seems as if it wasn't enough for her case.

She quickly turns around on her heel to go to another direction and only end up collapsing with someone, resulting for her to lose her balance but the person was  fortunately nice enough to actually grab both of her wrists to maintain both of her feet flat on the ground.

The brown eyed Latina sighs in relief and was about to thank the person and also to apologize for her clumsiness but she suddenly remembers she couldn't actually talk. Even if she tries, she would stutter in every single word and she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of someone again.

She looked down at her shoes, playing with the hem of her shirt nervously. She was scared that maybe she had bumped into another bully, it was like she was a magnet for bullies and attracts them towards her.

"Watch your way next time." A husky female voice calmly says, immediately letting go of Camila's hand realizing that she has been holding it for too long than needed. "Hey," The voice called out, trying to get Camila's attention. Her voice sounded playful, as if she was talking to someone she had known all her life.

Camila finally looks up to meet with the most beautiful green eyes she had ever seen in complete awe. She can't help but stare at it like some creep that she was and the fact that their proximity was quite close didn't help. She could see it very clearly from where she stood. "Not much of a talker?" The girl asked Camila, chuckling and running her hand through her hair, awkwardly looking around but the girl. The smaller girl shook her head no as answer while still in a trance that the green eyed girl blindly created for her.

"Lauren! Let's go, Dinah might be waiting for us already." Camila hears another voice, snapping her out of her thoughts and looked behind Lauren's shoulder to see a dark skinned girl jogging towards them with her high heels. Camila looks to the Lauren girl then to her friend, they were both beautiful and she felt a bit self conscious.

Lauren looks back to her ebony skinned friend and gives Camila one last glance before she turns around to continue her walking before she bumped into her. Camila makes a two second decision and grabs Lauren's wrist to stop her from walking any further and turned the girl around who had a look of pure confusion in her face.

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