Chapter 15

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"Kakiiii!" The six year shakes her sister's shoulder violently, attempting to wake her up but never works. 10 minutes have passed and Camila was still not getting up.

"Sof, your sister might throw up on your face if you continue that" Lauren joked but Sofi didn't take it as a joke, her eyes widening and let's go of her sister's shoulder. Camila groaned and placed the back of her palm on her forehead, feeling a bit dizzy not realizing that Lauren stayed, that she have slept for almost the whole day and skipped lunch.

"Eww!" Sofi shook her head rapidly and jumped off the bed, running out of Camila's room to get away from her sister, thinking that Camila would throw up on her. Lauren laughed, leaning backwards as she do so. She almost lost her balance but Camila luckily caught her hand and pulled her back properly on top of the bed.

"Careful" Camila laughs and shook her head in amusement. Lauren smiled sheepishly,

"You didn't stutter" Lauren pointed out and Camila nodded her head. "You're improving" Lauren grinned and crawled next to Camila who shrugged, playing with her own fingers.

"You..l-like mess-messing with sister?" Camila asked, laughing softly.

"Maybe..but not in the bad way, she's just so cute I want to pinch her cheeks" Lauren smiled widely reaching her eyes. "I think cute runs in your family" Camila shrugged.

"Or M-maybe's bec-because you find a l-lot of things cu..cute" Lauren chuckled, leaning in to give a peck onto Camila's lips.

"Maybe," Lauren shrugged. "But you're on the top list" Camila smiled, a blush rises on her cheeks.

"You hungry?" Lauren asked after a comfortable silence. Camila cocked an eyebrow and checks the time, her eyes widening.

"Ab..absolutely" Camila nodded as her stomach growled in hunger, loud enough for Lauren to hear. The green eyed girl laughed and Camila smacked the girl's shoulder playfully before she runs out of the room to eat. She bumps into Sofi as she walked towards the kitchen, the little girl still afraid that her sister would throw up at her so she squealed and ran up the stairs, closing the door of her bedroom once she was inside.
Camila laughs and turned around to face Lauren, crossing her arms. "Now my si-sister is sc-scared of me be-because of yooouu!" Camila huffed and pointed accusingly at Lauren who raised both her hands in surrender.

"I didn't know she would really take it seriously okay!" Lauren defended herself and placed both her hands back down. Camila playfully glared at her, Lauren played along and acted as if she was scared.

"Well, t-tell her I-I won't th-throw up at her f-face!" Camila narrowed her eyes at the green eyed girl before heading inside the kitchen, greeting her mom. Lauren trailed behind the girl and saw Sinu smacking Camila's shoulder, scolding her to go down from the counter tables. Camila obeyed but laughs, kissing her moms cheeks and grabbed a banana.

"What was that?" Lauren asked, the pair heading back to Camila's room when they realized that the dinner wasn't ready yet. Sinu have invited Lauren for dinner and Lauren gratefully accepted the offer.

Camila stopped in front of Sofi's room instead of her's and gestured for Lauren to talk to Sofi, ignoring Lauren's question. "Fine.." Lauren muttered and knocked on the door before heading inside while Camila waited outside the room.

A few minutes have passed and Sofi opened the door of her room, hugging Camila's legs because of her height. "Kakiii! Lolo said that you won't throw up on my face anymore" Sofi happily told her and Camila laughed, carrying her sister.

"I would n-never!" Camila shook her head, smiling widely. Lauren smiled at the sight watching as the two sisters interact just like what she did this morning.

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